Friday, April 21, 2006
First time that I saw you girl I knew that I just had to make you mine, But it's so hard to talk to you with fella's hanging round you all the time.

Well Fucking Fuck with a capital F, I just updated for you lot and the blog didn't post and now it's lost 'somewhere' in the interweb, I'm fucking annoyed now, but I'm gonna calm down, I'll post a picture of shooter as I've just learned that I can put pictures on my blog, thats me at the front squatting. It's about 8 years old, but I haven't changed much (Ok I've changed alot, but fuck it, I like the picture).
I'll update when I feel happier, you can start asking for updates in the comments now, I'm kinda missing all the feedback.
Oh and for fucks sake now the fucking picture is at the top of the page and not the bottom, Fuck this fucking shit!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
What a beautiful day, I'm the king of all time, And nothing is impossible, In my all powerful mind.
Fuck me, you lot are a right bunch of moaning minnies, It's MY blog and I'll update when I fucking well feel like it, So stop moaning, I could update daily if you want, but it'll read something like this:
Got up, then I had a cup of tea and went to work, did some work, came home, had a good shit, had my tea, went out, then I came home and went to bed. Repeat same process for 5 days (mon-fri). I can do that if you want or I can save up some stuff and tell you about it now and again, if something exciting happens then I'll update immediately and you can all know about it, but as it is, stop your moaning or I'll not write anything ever again and let that be a lesson to you!
So since we last spoke Dave has returned from Australia,(hoorah) Lee is stilll in Australia though (hoorah, no, sorry Lee, we all miss you) so last weekend was great, went out on the piss with Dave and his lady friend (Hannah, she's larvely, and not shy about telling me to shut up!)
Dave has turned into abit of a pansy since going down under, for example he can't drink much anymore, I'm sure it's just a technical problem but it needs sorting, fast!
so yeah, the weekend was pretty much a booze filled weekend, (for me anyway) then I've been working in Preston on the new Police building, it's quite a good contract so it's a pity that it'll be finished sometime next week; The shite contracts last forever, cest la vie.
I'll tell you about Thursday evening:
It was around 6pm and I had just dished up a big bowl of beef casserole (It smelt lovely and I was really looking forward to eating it because I was starving) I had my little table set up in the front room so I could watch the television while I ate my dinner, (I'm sure you get the picture) I carried the bowl of steaming hot, lovely smelling casserole into the front room, went to step over the dog and as I went to put my foot on the floor the fucking stupid dog decided to move and moved under my foot so I lost my balance trying not to stand on the dog and my lovely casserole ended up all over the floor. Well to tell you the truth I screamed, I swore I kicked things and I threw things and if the dog hadn't legged it as soon as it realised it had made a bad move then I would had throttled it! I was not in a good mood, so I cleaned up the mess and broken stuff then I stormed to the pub for a pint. I eventually calmed down but Trelly (who I met up with later) said I looked like I was in a sulk. We all went to town and watched Badness playing at the Rat and Parrot and I was in a good mood again.
Friday was pretty cool, I had the day off so I went to town with Trelly and after paying a few bills and looking around the shops and a sneaky pint in Crabtrees we decided to goto the new Pet shop that sells exotic animals and Fuck me it was amazing.
There was a big old parrot in there who was walking around on a shelf and he was amazing he was looking at me and I was in awe, I realised then that I wanted one! then we looked at an Iguana called Gilbert and he was cool, he's about 3 foot long and although he doesn't move around much he was really impressive, I realised then that I want one. then onto the lizards and gheckos they are so cool and one little ghecko was standing up at the glass trying to get my attention, and it worked, he was cute, I wanted one. we saw tarantulas too, I really didn't want one of those though. I was dragged kicking and screaming out of the shop by Trelly and we went to ASDA, bought some stuff and I got some Curry sauce stuff (sizzle and stir kind of thing) well I've had the Jalfrezi one before and that was hot and tasty so I thought in all my wisdom that I'd try a Vindaloo, well I wish I hadn't fucking bothered, it was too fucking spicy to eat, I don't know how or why anyone would want a vinda-fucking-loo. its impossible to eat. So I made sweetcorn cobs and ate them instead.
I'm watching Hustle on teevee at the moment, I'm sure everyone has seen it and it's a top show.
I can't be arsed to write anymore now because the music has stopped and I'm hungry.
see you all later and stop moaning about updates, you know how lazy I am and it'll get done eventually.
Got up, then I had a cup of tea and went to work, did some work, came home, had a good shit, had my tea, went out, then I came home and went to bed. Repeat same process for 5 days (mon-fri). I can do that if you want or I can save up some stuff and tell you about it now and again, if something exciting happens then I'll update immediately and you can all know about it, but as it is, stop your moaning or I'll not write anything ever again and let that be a lesson to you!
So since we last spoke Dave has returned from Australia,(hoorah) Lee is stilll in Australia though (hoorah, no, sorry Lee, we all miss you) so last weekend was great, went out on the piss with Dave and his lady friend (Hannah, she's larvely, and not shy about telling me to shut up!)
Dave has turned into abit of a pansy since going down under, for example he can't drink much anymore, I'm sure it's just a technical problem but it needs sorting, fast!
so yeah, the weekend was pretty much a booze filled weekend, (for me anyway) then I've been working in Preston on the new Police building, it's quite a good contract so it's a pity that it'll be finished sometime next week; The shite contracts last forever, cest la vie.
I'll tell you about Thursday evening:
It was around 6pm and I had just dished up a big bowl of beef casserole (It smelt lovely and I was really looking forward to eating it because I was starving) I had my little table set up in the front room so I could watch the television while I ate my dinner, (I'm sure you get the picture) I carried the bowl of steaming hot, lovely smelling casserole into the front room, went to step over the dog and as I went to put my foot on the floor the fucking stupid dog decided to move and moved under my foot so I lost my balance trying not to stand on the dog and my lovely casserole ended up all over the floor. Well to tell you the truth I screamed, I swore I kicked things and I threw things and if the dog hadn't legged it as soon as it realised it had made a bad move then I would had throttled it! I was not in a good mood, so I cleaned up the mess and broken stuff then I stormed to the pub for a pint. I eventually calmed down but Trelly (who I met up with later) said I looked like I was in a sulk. We all went to town and watched Badness playing at the Rat and Parrot and I was in a good mood again.
Friday was pretty cool, I had the day off so I went to town with Trelly and after paying a few bills and looking around the shops and a sneaky pint in Crabtrees we decided to goto the new Pet shop that sells exotic animals and Fuck me it was amazing.
There was a big old parrot in there who was walking around on a shelf and he was amazing he was looking at me and I was in awe, I realised then that I wanted one! then we looked at an Iguana called Gilbert and he was cool, he's about 3 foot long and although he doesn't move around much he was really impressive, I realised then that I want one. then onto the lizards and gheckos they are so cool and one little ghecko was standing up at the glass trying to get my attention, and it worked, he was cute, I wanted one. we saw tarantulas too, I really didn't want one of those though. I was dragged kicking and screaming out of the shop by Trelly and we went to ASDA, bought some stuff and I got some Curry sauce stuff (sizzle and stir kind of thing) well I've had the Jalfrezi one before and that was hot and tasty so I thought in all my wisdom that I'd try a Vindaloo, well I wish I hadn't fucking bothered, it was too fucking spicy to eat, I don't know how or why anyone would want a vinda-fucking-loo. its impossible to eat. So I made sweetcorn cobs and ate them instead.
I'm watching Hustle on teevee at the moment, I'm sure everyone has seen it and it's a top show.
I can't be arsed to write anymore now because the music has stopped and I'm hungry.
see you all later and stop moaning about updates, you know how lazy I am and it'll get done eventually.