Sunday, February 27, 2011


I see you driving 'round town With the girl i love and i'm like, Fuck you!

So, guess which prick went out tonight and drank coke and can't fucking sleep.

So, what's new, nowt! is there ever anything new? my life is dull, always is.
I'm off to the comedy night on Monday, that should be good, some comic called Tom Wrigglesworth, google him, he seems quite funny. That's about the highlight of my month.
I've become shamelessly addicted to Ebay, selling my old toys and various rubbish for cash! I made about £200 this month on crap that was just in my attic. mainly he-man toys and thundercats toys.
I've also been buying loads of cool Superman stuff from Ebay, got a couple of awesome pendants formy chain, and I'm looking at getting a cool superman watch. I've also managed to get a load of superman books, I really wish I could find my collection of superman comics, a couple I have are worth about £100 each, but I have a bad feeling that I lent them to some cunt and never got them back!
I started watching the Sopranos recently and the first few episodes are crap, but now I'm on season 3 and totally addicted, which is great.
Thank fuck for Spotify, I've got my ear plugs in and listening to some great music, Elvis (costello), Roy Orbison, Supernaturals, echobelly, loads and loads, basically I'm listening to everything that you wouldn't listen to.
Had a few problems with my diabetes recently, which is quite worrying, fact is that I'd probably be dead now if I was living on my own as I often slip into a mini coma like state and have tobe forcefully shaken awake, quite worrying as there isn't much I can do about my insulin control, I think it's a risk I'm going to have to live with.
I had a gallstone recently, It was quite painful, naturally I went online and diagnosed cancer, but the doctor quashed my fears and gave me some pills to settle the pain and, touch wood, it's all cleared up.
Ibought some fucking awesome superman film cells and printedoff some cool superman pictures and got some frames and made a great presentation picture which is now hanging nicely on my wall.
Oh yeah. I updated collywogs bloggy blog with a post about Libya. Read it if you've nowt better to do.
Well,I think that'll do for this month.


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