Wednesday, October 31, 2007


At the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold, At the end of a story, you'll find it's all been told.

Hey peeps,
I don't think I've ever done three updates in as many days, this isn't going to be a long onme though as you can see by the amount to text in front of you, anyway, what I was going to say, is I don't think I'm going to upload my new book (it'll be a book by the time I'm finished) to woggzeh's short stories, I'm going to upload chapter one and if you want the rest then you'll have to give me a nod and I'll email it to you in word.doc (make sure you can open it) this saves on fraud and all that, I'm quite proud of what I've done so far even if it is only 4 chapters, if anyone wants to continue reading I'll send it out after 5 chapters then in single chapter updates, which will be sporadic. I'll still be asking for your comments and the like.
As for the 'prologue' that I uploaded yesterday, well the times they are a'changin' I've decided to document the life of my killer from childhood, this way I can run with the story for longer and make it longer, but not losing any of the fun, so my apologies but the prologue was a bit misleading, however I'm still planning on exploring that route.
Jof is starting his novel tomorrow and I wish him all the best for that.
toode ooh.
clicky clicky the linky quicky and be the first to comment

Chapter one


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Thank you for the music, the songs I'm singing, Thanks for all the joy they're bringing

now then people, I've been working on a new short story, I've uploaded the prologue to my short stories site and I'm currently working hard on the rest of the story, the one problem I've got is that it's not going to be a normal short story in fact it's going to be a long one, providing I have my ideas right and can be arsed to complete it, I have chapter one written and chapters two and three in my head, possibly some of chapter four too, then I have lots of idea where I can develop the story further down the line, I hope this goes well.

A Mask Of Sanity

Click the link or click the link down the side, anyway, leave a comment.


Monday, October 29, 2007


I'm in heaven, I have been told (who told ya), I'm in heaven, I'm too young to feel this old.

You know what, I really should start writing a bit of blog everyday of even keep a little diary (haha, I just wrote dairy), because my memory is getting worse and worse, I'm alright at remembering jokes but everything else, like what I've done or who I am just seems to slip out of my mind, crazy shit, Does anybody else have that same problem?, I'm forever rushing upstairs then completely forgetting what I've gone upstairs for, (Obvious joke now is, so I come back down stairs and I've wet myself).
So anyway, lets try and remember what the hell I've been doing, well I do know that Lee phoned me last week, I was at Trellys and he'd just given me a chilli because he had grown loads and I wanted one and as one does, I tried to balance it on my upper lip, kind of like a chilli moustache when my phone starts ringing and it's Lee, "G'day Lee, how's it going?" ,"alright mate, what you doing?", "I'm erm.. balancing a chilli on my upper lip" then Lee just answers "Cool" without stopping to think or even act shocked, which was weird, am I becoming too predictable?
anyway, he's fine, Lindsay's fine, Australia's fine so that's all fine then.
I've been working on and off, steady away, but due to the massive lack of work in September I am completely skint for November, so it's gonna be a dry month for me, limited drinking I am afraid, expect the next post to include heavy bouts of insomnia.
I really am so uninspired to write this blog although I've got nothing better to do at this moment in time, I could sit and think or read a book, but I've done a hell of a lot of reading recently that I want to give my eyes a break, it seems to be something I do, when ever I see words or sentences or blocks of text then I simply have to read it, stupid words!
now my typing has gone to pot and I seem to be spelling out words using the letter next to them on the keyboard, for example - jr;;p seems to spell Hello, maybe I've inadvertently stumbled upon some code like the enigma code, then again it's more likely that I'm just poor at using my keyboard and so I type bollocks.
Bonfire night soon, woohoo a chance for every fucking shit eating piece of scum otherwise known as a chav to get hold of some fireworks and set them off before bonfire night generally scaring the shit out of me as a whopping great bang goes off over my head as I'm walking somewhere in my own little world. Cunts!
here's a question for you, Trelly knows the answer so he's not allowed to enter but the question for you is: Why is it that most famous artists are Dutch? it's a pretty simple question and if you think about it logically then you'll get the answer.
I can't be bothered to write any more so this'll have to do ya, maybe I'll update in a few days when I am more inspired to do so, sorry for the shit update.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007


On top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese, I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed, it rolled off the table and on to the floor....

Hi all,

Just a quick notice for you all really, I'm sure you're aware that Children In Need is upon us again and you're gonna get your typical prat sitting in a bath of beans or wearing his clothes back to front all day, some stupid thing that idiots like us will give them money for in aid of charity. Well I've seen a different way of giving to Children In Need and you don't need to put your hand in your pocket, it's called Fonebak and you send them your old mobile phone (in a freepost envelope) and they will donate £5 to Children In Need! I think it's a great idea, here is the link: Fonebak
Go on, have a root round, tell your friends and family and neighbours, tell your dog and cat.
At least you'll feel less guilty when they show some video footage of some poor kid who only needs £3 a month to not die.


Monday, October 15, 2007


He picks up useless paper and puts it in my pocket, I'm trying very hard to keep my fingers clean, I can't remember tell me what's his name.

(My name is Michael Caine)

Now then Blog fans.

So what have I been upto since the last update, I don't know, nothing special!
I've had work on, I've had time off too, played some snooker and watched some snooker.
Top Gear's back on Sunday nights and watching that is probably about the best way to end your weekend, last nights episode was the aqua car and they had to Drive then sail/float/sink across the channel an arrive in France, It was funny as fuck, I'm a little sceptical as to whether or not they really achieved their aim unaided, but I'd like to think that they did.
There was a big protest this weekend at Menwith Hill all these hippy and shit protesting about 'Star Wars' I can see their point, the first three were cracking then the next three were abit of a let down although the second three were actually the first three and the first three were the second three, I suppose it could be worth a protest, especially if the next three are the last three and then we get the three before the last three, I mean, you wouldn't read a book that way would you! so I say protest away hippies.
So I've started a new job in St Helens on a big new £125 million hospital and it's been a fucking nightmare, only been there a few hours! firstly the vetting process started out about a month ago when I had to fill out a load of forms and return them, then we got a huge document of site regulations and all this bullshit lah de dah, then we were told that rigger boots are no longer allowed on site, no one can give a reason as to why they are banned, just that you need proper steel toe capped shoes, with laces. Stupid! So my dad had to buy some new boots, mine were fine, then we get on site, do two inductions at an hour each, then fill out more forms then we have to go get new P.P.E (Personal Protection Equipment) so we both needed a new hard hat, new high viz vest, new goggles, and new gloves, we already had these items but they were deemed unsuitable for site! un - fucking - believable!
So to get all that gear we need to fill in more forms, then we have to go through security to get our passes and fill out more forms, then I'm pretty sure we are gonna have to fill out a form saying that we have filled out all the necessary forms.
We didn't inform the site that our deliver lorry was coming that day so when he arrived from south Wales, he was told to go home, so we've had to book him in again for tomorrow, so today was a fucking waste of time apart from the fact we have got our inductions done, I'm so pissed off with writing shit out today that I wasn't even gonna update but I promised Jof I'd do one over the weekend, So here it is a day late, but let's see how often you update your blog when you are writing your novel!! (not that I'm writing a novel I just wanted to say something catty)

Anyway, tea time, then playing Snooker. then site tomorrow.



Wednesday, October 03, 2007


They said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me, They could care less as long as someone'll bleed.

Now then.

A hive of activity has been passing me by and I have a few things to blog, first of all, it's now October, I don't know why, but I like October, it's always cold and damp, but I think there is something quintessentially English about October.
So I went out with the usual rabble for Trelly's birthday on Saturday night, had fun too, we started off in the Alexandra (formerly Rat and Parrot) then we moved down to Monteys where I chatted to McParty about something stupid, then I saw Pete, (known in Harrogate as 'cheaty Pete' or simply 'knob'ead' or 'cunt') He told me about his trip to Falaraki where he got the living shit kicked out of him, he even had pictures in his phone, he looked like he had been done over good and proper, so that made the night better, couldn't happen to a nicer bloke, I know I should sound sympathetic but they guy has a face that only a fist could love and he doesn't know when to shut his gob, that sounds rich coming from me but I do actually know when to shut my mouth, I just choose not to!
after Monteys we went to Yates' then after there we went to Revolution, Paid a couple of quid to get in then we sold our soles to the devil in order to raise funds for drinks, (Eloise bought 2 pichers of red bull &vodka and it came to £32) , Jof phoned me but I could hardly hear him, so the conversation went, 'hello, yabba yabba yabba Glenn Hoddle, yabba yabba yabba Ray Clemence, yabba yabba yabba see you" I love it when Jof phones! before we knew it, the night had almost ended, Robin had gone home during Yates's because he had to do the Great North Run the next day, he did well too, completing it in 1hr 49 mins. So Trel, Matt and me went in search of Pizza, I shared a 2 for 1 pepperoni with Trelly and Matt got 2 spicy chicken pizzas for himself, I feel it should be said that Matt was bombed, we walked home and had to hold Matt up, he also held his pizza box upright instead of holding the box flat, so that was funny watching him try to get a slice of pizza that had all slumped to the bottom of the box, it was probably this action which resulted in him dropping it.
Jof's blog has got all exciting over the last twenty four hours, I say exciting because something has actually happened, number one he has done two updates in two days and secondly he has been challenged by Rich Fee to write a novel in a month, I sincerely wish him the best of luck and look forward to reading the end product, although it is going to be a nightmare month for Joffers I know he won't quit, he may not get to the required amount of words by the end of the November 30th midnight deadline, but I've every faith that he'll doing something ace.

keep up to date with it from here: Jof's book page

Well, I'm off to Lancaster tomorrow, should be a nice little job, but you know how these things go, the nice little jobs turn out to be the worst ones.

well I'm bored now, so I'm gonna go.


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