Monday, October 19, 2009
Well we were born within one hour of each other. Our mothers said we could be sister and brother. Your name is Deborah, Deborah.
Well hello there strangers.
It's been over a month since the last post and boy what an exciting month it's been! so exciting in fact that I can't remember anything about it
Well, I bought a new computer, it's a packard bell with windows vista, it's a pretty good machine, does what I need it to do, so I'm happy with it, anything is better than my old thing that served me well over the years but sometimes you just got to move on, it's weird, I got rather attached to that machine and was sad to see it go, however, once this bad boy was up and running all felings towards the old machine were vanquished.
Lee has told me some good news and I believe that the news has now trickled through to everyone so I feel safe to tell you that he's going to be a daddy, which is nice and I wish him and his missus all the best with that.
Good show to watch if you are ever bored is "OZ" it's an old show from yankie land about Ozwald penitentary and it's pretty graphic and brutal so give it a looksie.
X-Factor is back and all I know is that I hate the twin things and I'd give that Cheryl Cole one big time!

Jof (and me in a very loose way) has started a new blog thinger in which we hope that you (yes you) will write for us, the concept is simple, we started a story and want you 9yes you!) to add another paragraph and then eventually we will have great story from many peoples imagination. so go here all the details on how to log in are there, so have a fuck about with it.
Anyone watch Chuck? here's why I watch it (picture is in 3D):

I'm going fucking mental downloading shit at the moment, I got a rapidshare account and a program called Jdownloader and I'm currently downloading every film ever made, such is the power, although I got a virus yesterday because the Jdownloader thing unzips files when it downloads them and it let out a Trojan Horsey, but I've managed to get rid of that mother fucker (5 virus scans and two spyware checks later).
Been reading loads, mainly legal thrillers, all are good.
I had an illness a few weeks back, cold, cough, rubbishmness which followed me around for about ten days, that was pretty rough, don't want that again.
I'm off to Wales for the new year, staying in some one horse town with the usual crowd and a few others who have been conned into attending (if we're having a shit time, then so are you!) If anyone out there wants to come along who hasn't been confirmed already then let me know and I'll send you the details aso you can make your own arrangements, the more the merrier, or so they say.
well I'm done, I need to update this shit more often, even if I just put a mucky picture up, it'll be something.
toodle ooh.
It's been over a month since the last post and boy what an exciting month it's been! so exciting in fact that I can't remember anything about it
Well, I bought a new computer, it's a packard bell with windows vista, it's a pretty good machine, does what I need it to do, so I'm happy with it, anything is better than my old thing that served me well over the years but sometimes you just got to move on, it's weird, I got rather attached to that machine and was sad to see it go, however, once this bad boy was up and running all felings towards the old machine were vanquished.
Lee has told me some good news and I believe that the news has now trickled through to everyone so I feel safe to tell you that he's going to be a daddy, which is nice and I wish him and his missus all the best with that.
Good show to watch if you are ever bored is "OZ" it's an old show from yankie land about Ozwald penitentary and it's pretty graphic and brutal so give it a looksie.
X-Factor is back and all I know is that I hate the twin things and I'd give that Cheryl Cole one big time!

Jof (and me in a very loose way) has started a new blog thinger in which we hope that you (yes you) will write for us, the concept is simple, we started a story and want you 9yes you!) to add another paragraph and then eventually we will have great story from many peoples imagination. so go here all the details on how to log in are there, so have a fuck about with it.
Anyone watch Chuck? here's why I watch it (picture is in 3D):

I'm going fucking mental downloading shit at the moment, I got a rapidshare account and a program called Jdownloader and I'm currently downloading every film ever made, such is the power, although I got a virus yesterday because the Jdownloader thing unzips files when it downloads them and it let out a Trojan Horsey, but I've managed to get rid of that mother fucker (5 virus scans and two spyware checks later).
Been reading loads, mainly legal thrillers, all are good.
I had an illness a few weeks back, cold, cough, rubbishmness which followed me around for about ten days, that was pretty rough, don't want that again.
I'm off to Wales for the new year, staying in some one horse town with the usual crowd and a few others who have been conned into attending (if we're having a shit time, then so are you!) If anyone out there wants to come along who hasn't been confirmed already then let me know and I'll send you the details aso you can make your own arrangements, the more the merrier, or so they say.
well I'm done, I need to update this shit more often, even if I just put a mucky picture up, it'll be something.
toodle ooh.