Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I only knew you for a while I never saw your smile Till it was time to go Time to go away (time to go away)

Jesus F. christ it's been a while since I blogged, you'll be glad to know that I've got loads to tell you, you'll be less glad to read that I can't remember what it is I have to tell you, so, bollocks, I'll just wing it.


My name is Woggzeh and it's been sixteen months since my last drink.
I say that because when I have dreams that involve me being in a pub or around alcohol, I'm a non-drinker in my dreams now, which I think is strange but rather cool, this time last year I would dream that I would be enjoying a cheeky pint of lager or guinness or the like, but now I'm always on the soft drinks, don't know why, don't really care, just fills a paragraph on my blog
I've been working hard recently, which is good because with hard work comes good money and I need money, lots of it.
I bought a new snooker cue today because my other one has managed to warp itself into the shape of a banana and I'm sick of getting shitty breaks and blaming my tools, so now I have a new cue, I don't have any excuses for my shitty breaks, which is fine by me.
Camping in Coniston is in a couple of weeks and I'm really looking forward to that as long as the weather picks up abit, I heard that it was snowing in the lakes the other day, just what you want when you are living in a tent.
I'm arranging the music for camping and it's a mega-mix of mega-ness you can get some awesome mixes on youtube, just copy and paste "Stock Aitken Waterman (SAW) 80s Video Megamix Part 1" into youtube to see what I mean!!!
Watched 'Kick ass' the other day and that's one fucking great film, go see it and if you've already seen it, then go see it again.
Conservatives have got into power through the back door, nobody wanted them and the daft cunt who is David Cameron doesn't realise that no one wants him in power so he's teamed up with Nick Clegg and basically declared himself prime minister, fucking twat. no-one voted him into power so he should have fucked off, all the MPs should have been sacked, let the parties sort themselves out and then lets have another vote in a month or something and then see if there's a winner because we were all voting for the best of a bad bunch, it was a lose/lose situation, whoever got into power, but at least the fucker should be voted into power by the public, you don't order a taxi and then all the taxi ranks get together and decide to send you a donkey do you?
basically, the sooner David Cameron realises that no one fucking likes him the better.
Stupid Cunting Toff.
Johnny Arrow and the Cheap Day Returns have a new album out soon, just saying like, so, you know, go buy it or something, altenatively wait till I buy it and I'll put it on pirate bay.

Well, I'm done now, take care people.


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