Sunday, December 23, 2012
Bringing on back the good times, taking away the pain. You're bringing on back the good times and I'm living on air, So glad that you're there,
How are you all?
So much has happened since I last blogged, I feel that we have all grown and can look fondly on our past.
I think back to Christmas time when I was a kid and my mum would take me for a haircut and I would pray for a Christmas miracle that I would get the cute female hairdresser and even more, I would pray that during the haircut, her boobs would touch my head! Simple pleasures for a simple child.
So what you all been doing?
I've been working pretty hard some days, the rest of the time I don't work hard and I prefer these days. I'm still at Disability Action Yorkshire and still loving it.
I've been to see so much comedy that I actually can't remember everyone I've seen, most of you follow me on twitter and facebook so just keep an eye on my status's.
Are you all ready for Christmas? I took a weeks holiday so I'm all done.
Oooh I forgot to tell you. I won £3 million on the lottery. I've spent it all now so don't come begging.*
I've been reading a lot of comic books recently (Sorry - Graphic novels) And I've got to recommend a few to you all:
Transmetropolitan - 10/10 this is absolutely brilliant. Futuristic satire
The Boys - 9/10 - Excellent anti superhero comics.
Crossed - 9/10 - Sick,depraved and gross set in a world over run by the crossed.
I can recommend plenty more but those are the ones that have particularly stood out for me.
I don't know why I stopped blogging this year, I guess I got lazy and found it all a little pointless.
I went to the panto at Harrogate theatre the other week too and I wasn't sure what to expect, this being my first ever panto and all, and I have to say. I bloody loved it.
I had been planning this update for a while now and now I come to write it, I can't think of anything to write, my mind has gone blank.
So I think I'll sign off and wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Oh and Christmas isn't Christmas without a bit of porn - There are two pictures this year, you lucky devils.

*may not be true
How are you all?
So much has happened since I last blogged, I feel that we have all grown and can look fondly on our past.
I think back to Christmas time when I was a kid and my mum would take me for a haircut and I would pray for a Christmas miracle that I would get the cute female hairdresser and even more, I would pray that during the haircut, her boobs would touch my head! Simple pleasures for a simple child.
So what you all been doing?
I've been working pretty hard some days, the rest of the time I don't work hard and I prefer these days. I'm still at Disability Action Yorkshire and still loving it.
I've been to see so much comedy that I actually can't remember everyone I've seen, most of you follow me on twitter and facebook so just keep an eye on my status's.
Are you all ready for Christmas? I took a weeks holiday so I'm all done.
Oooh I forgot to tell you. I won £3 million on the lottery. I've spent it all now so don't come begging.*
I've been reading a lot of comic books recently (Sorry - Graphic novels) And I've got to recommend a few to you all:
Transmetropolitan - 10/10 this is absolutely brilliant. Futuristic satire
The Boys - 9/10 - Excellent anti superhero comics.
Crossed - 9/10 - Sick,depraved and gross set in a world over run by the crossed.
I can recommend plenty more but those are the ones that have particularly stood out for me.
I don't know why I stopped blogging this year, I guess I got lazy and found it all a little pointless.
I went to the panto at Harrogate theatre the other week too and I wasn't sure what to expect, this being my first ever panto and all, and I have to say. I bloody loved it.
I had been planning this update for a while now and now I come to write it, I can't think of anything to write, my mind has gone blank.
So I think I'll sign off and wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Oh and Christmas isn't Christmas without a bit of porn - There are two pictures this year, you lucky devils.

*may not be true