Monday, January 02, 2017


You're struttin' into town like you're slingin' a gun Just a small town dude with a big city attitude

Hello everyone!

Wow. 2016 was a bit shit wasn't it? I think that I might be to blame for it being so rubbish.
I didn't enter a blog for the whole year did I and I think that is part of why so many celebrities died. They had nothing to read so they all signed up for a literal world wide edition of "I'm a celebrity get me out of here".
So many celebrities were visited by the grim reaper that I'm not sure there are enough left to keep the world of film and music going.

Something that has been bugging me recently is those green boxes at the end of most streets that the internet lives in, you know the ones! Well, why are they always open? I've looked at the problem and it simply comes down to a pissy little lock on them, it's absolutely pathetic. I know that Richard Branson reads this blog so, I say to him now, Put some better bloody locks on the things. If the internet goes down then I can't post a blog and another celebrity might die!

Who else is part of the Facebook group Harrogate Grumbler? It's choc full of fucktards who don't know how to spell or get through the day without asking s stupid question.
Things like: What time is Asda open? Do I put my socks on before my shoes? Do I really have to pay a pound for parking? y am i so fick? (sic) All sorts of simple questions that could be answered by a quick search on Google but they are clearly to dumb to spell Google, so they go on this Facebook page and ask other fucking idiots these stupid questions. It really gets on my tits. Although, it is quite funny to read some of the replies.

So, how was 2016 for you? It was pretty shit for me, work wise, lets just say that it was abysmal. Life wise, it was average. I realized that I am becoming more and more reclusive. I don't have many friends, mainly because I don't trust people and I don't go out and get drunk, so my social skills are pretty weak. I can put on an charismatic act that is very 'jack the lad' but underneath it all is a depressed, anxiety filled, scared little boy who totally fails at life. On top of which, I'm lazy.
I doubt myself too much and need to do something to change. I just don't know what I need to do.

I have been watching box-sets of shows which I thought were worth mentioning. Goliath, starring Billy Bob Thornton, it's a very exciting legal drama, it's only 10 episodes, so give it a whirl if you like to be entertained by your telebox. If you don't like to entertained then watch the football.
Another show was called, Start-up. Starring Martin Freeman. It's about a cyber currency and the problems the characters have trying to get it off the ground. It's full of action & twists and turns. Give it a shot.
An old sit-com that I'm watching for the second time is called Ideal starring Johnny Vegas. Vegas plays a character called Moz who deals in weed and has some bonkers clients turn up to his flat. It's rather amusing and keeps me giggling.

Right, I can't be arsed to write any more. I doubt anyone will read this anyway.

All mistakes are intentional!



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