Thursday, August 31, 2006
The more you ignore me, The closer I get, You're wasting your time, The more you ignore me, The closer I get, You're wasting your time.

Hello People, I've decided it was time for an update, I think it's been nearly three weeks since the last one and I have to please my fans so we shall begin:
well, I can't think of anything to tell you, so I'll just waffle on like normal, I'm currently listening to the Young Knives brand spanking debut album and I like it so far (5 tracks in), I've not had much music recently, Dave keeps sending me stuff but most of it is shit, I actually think that he looks for bloody awful music and sends it to me as part of some hilarious joke that I'm not in on (have I sussed you out?).
My parents have gone on holiday for 2 weeks so I have 2 weeks off work which is wikked but I know I'll get bored within the next few hours so I might update this blog more often over the next two weeks. I'm looking after the dog and cat and they are both asleep and out of my way so they are being good.
A leaflet just dropped through my letterbox for Yoga courses, it says it can help you slim, fair enough but I'm sure Yoga is all that crappy bending and exertion of the body to a state of despair, fuck me I get out of breath if I get out of the chair too quickly so I think I'll be putting this leaflet straight into the recycle bin (01423 864343 if anyone is interested).
we have had plenty of work on and been really busy over the past couple of weeks so that is good news and hopefully I'll have plenty of money to piss against the wall or do something useful with.
Ok back to the young knives, they have a crazy song called 'Tailors' and it seems to be tranquil music then the singer says, 'cotton cotton cotton' then 'needles needles needles' then 'buttons buttons buttons' absolutely awesome I wish I'd used it as todays title but I chose Morrissey instead, I absolutely love this song even though I'm not a fan of Morrissey, but credit where credit is due, it's a great track.
Looking forward to a few films that are coming out, Severence, Adrift and the new Jason Statham flick, so hopefully I'll see them soon and I'll give you a brief review, I think Jason statham is a great actor but I hate it when he tries to do an American accent, he really should stick to the cockney wide boy stuff, I love his line in Lock Stock........
'right foot, left foot, your body follows it's called walking,
now it's one price £10 it's almost as long as my arm. I wish it was as long as something else,
now don't think that because these boxes are sealed that they are empty,
The only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker and looking around at a few of you here, I'd have made more money today with my measuring tape'.
Love it!!!!
I got an email from my mum t'other day it's a picture of loads of things happening and you have to spot 75 bands, it's ace, I got 50 in the first 10 minutes but the other 25 elude me, I'm sure I'm the last person to see this email but if anyone wants it to while away the time, then give me a nod and I'lll email it over to you.
Prison Break is back on tv in America so I've seen the first two episodes of the new season and the pace is electrifying I simply cannot wait until next week to see the next episode, I'm not kidding, it's so addictive!!!
well, fuck it I'm all waffled out, gonna make a chili-con-carne for my tea.
Last day of the transfer market today and Villa have bought Petrov and are in talks with James Milner, I'd like to see a few more signings (Thierry Henry and John Terry) but I think that'lll be it, still I'll be waiting with anticipation till the midnight hour to see who comes in and who goes.
Still can't believe that West Ham have bought Tevez!!! I bet he gets an injury in his first game for the hammers (which is against Villa on sept 10th).
well that'll do, I'm putting up a picture of me, trelly and heather at coniston, I like the picture, if you don't like it then don't look at it.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Sound your horn, ring the bell, ok, kiss, comb your hair, wave ur hands come on wave ur hands, SUPERMAN, woooooooo
how do people, you alright? I'm alright, You alright? I'm alright, that's alright then.
Jeeze, I've really got nothing to report to you about my life in the last few weeks, mainly because I can't remember anything and secondly I've done nowt good!
Last post was about Coniston, glad you liked it, sorry about all the typos and mistakes but I couldn't be arsed to proof read it before posting it, it was a really big update and I will not be doing that for a while.
So I finally got to see Superman Returns recently and FUCK ME! it was amazing, I was blown away by the script, the effects, the 'je nais sais quai' (sorry Eva, I'll leave the french to you) it was just fan-fucking-tastic, I dont know what else to say, it was smashing, and I think Brandon Routh made a fantastic Superman/Clark Kent and he really does look like the late great Christopher Reeve.
I saw Bullough and Hannah last weekend, which was nice, finally got my birthday beer from him (only a month late but mmmmmm free beer) I'm glad to say that everything is fine and dandy at their end of Yorkshire and I'll have to bob over some time and have a night out in Leeds and see the flat and stuff.
My little French friend, Eva, has got a place at Portsmouth University which is fantastic news and I'm happy as Larry for her, I hope she enjoys England, (It's alot better than France!!!) and I hope she does well in her studys, (She'll do fantastic because she's a clever clogs but she wouldn't admit that to me) so nice one Mad Lizzie Crumbs (nickname), I've put up a link to your artwork, enjoy it people, it's all 'normal'.
so what else is happening? I spoke to Lee the other day on the phone, He's still loving Australia and apparently he's never coming home! so he'll be home soon then.
heard an ace joke on the telebox t'other night, I'll relay it to you. It's involves two school boys talking one says to the other..........
"what's the worst thing you can buy from a second hand shop?"
"second hand toilet paper, hahaha, do you get it?"
"haha yeah I get it"
"eugh you grebby bastard you get second hand toilet paper"
I thought it was funny anyway.
cor blimey I've discovered a fantastic drink that really wakes you up when you get up and feel a bit rough and you need that 'kick in the bollocks' to get you going, it's called, hold on, it's called Orange Breaker and you buy it from Spar! I don't know why I wrote 'hold on' as if I'm talking to you in real time and will wonder where I've gone, stupid me.
Martin O'Neill (I before E except after C, stupid paddys) has been installed as the new Aston Villa manager and I for one am pretty excited about his appointment, I'm not expecting miracles (well not instantly anyway) but I think he will do us proud, the only way is up!
well I'll leave you now, hope the update was sufficient.
take care people.
Wogg Wogg
"Even though you have been raised as a human being, you are not one of them,
They can be a great people Kal-el if they wish to be,
They only lack the light to show the way.
For this reason above all, their capacity for good,
I have sent them you, My only son."
Jeeze, I've really got nothing to report to you about my life in the last few weeks, mainly because I can't remember anything and secondly I've done nowt good!
Last post was about Coniston, glad you liked it, sorry about all the typos and mistakes but I couldn't be arsed to proof read it before posting it, it was a really big update and I will not be doing that for a while.
So I finally got to see Superman Returns recently and FUCK ME! it was amazing, I was blown away by the script, the effects, the 'je nais sais quai' (sorry Eva, I'll leave the french to you) it was just fan-fucking-tastic, I dont know what else to say, it was smashing, and I think Brandon Routh made a fantastic Superman/Clark Kent and he really does look like the late great Christopher Reeve.
I saw Bullough and Hannah last weekend, which was nice, finally got my birthday beer from him (only a month late but mmmmmm free beer) I'm glad to say that everything is fine and dandy at their end of Yorkshire and I'll have to bob over some time and have a night out in Leeds and see the flat and stuff.
My little French friend, Eva, has got a place at Portsmouth University which is fantastic news and I'm happy as Larry for her, I hope she enjoys England, (It's alot better than France!!!) and I hope she does well in her studys, (She'll do fantastic because she's a clever clogs but she wouldn't admit that to me) so nice one Mad Lizzie Crumbs (nickname), I've put up a link to your artwork, enjoy it people, it's all 'normal'.
so what else is happening? I spoke to Lee the other day on the phone, He's still loving Australia and apparently he's never coming home! so he'll be home soon then.
heard an ace joke on the telebox t'other night, I'll relay it to you. It's involves two school boys talking one says to the other..........
"what's the worst thing you can buy from a second hand shop?"
"second hand toilet paper, hahaha, do you get it?"
"haha yeah I get it"
"eugh you grebby bastard you get second hand toilet paper"
I thought it was funny anyway.
cor blimey I've discovered a fantastic drink that really wakes you up when you get up and feel a bit rough and you need that 'kick in the bollocks' to get you going, it's called, hold on, it's called Orange Breaker and you buy it from Spar! I don't know why I wrote 'hold on' as if I'm talking to you in real time and will wonder where I've gone, stupid me.
Martin O'Neill (I before E except after C, stupid paddys) has been installed as the new Aston Villa manager and I for one am pretty excited about his appointment, I'm not expecting miracles (well not instantly anyway) but I think he will do us proud, the only way is up!
well I'll leave you now, hope the update was sufficient.
take care people.
Wogg Wogg
"Even though you have been raised as a human being, you are not one of them,
They can be a great people Kal-el if they wish to be,
They only lack the light to show the way.
For this reason above all, their capacity for good,
I have sent them you, My only son."