Saturday, January 14, 2006


This Is New

Well here it is, I have finally got off my lazy arse and started a blog, pretty shit so far, and probably gonna get even worse as the novelty wears off. It is cold today. I had a bowl of cornflakes for breakfast and I posted lots of posts on BOTB forum. I wasn't gonna create this blog but I stumbled upon this site and it said it was free and it said it was easy (2 of my favourite 4 letter words, another one I like is Beer, so if I seee a sentence that says easy, free beer, then I am in heaven) not that I condone binge drinking and this new 24 hour licencing is pretty confuzzeling, Is it compulsory? what if I run out of money. Is it illegal to drink for more that 24 hours in any one day?
It is saturday, I like saturdays because I don't work and I have another day off tomorrow and saturday nights I goto the pub and meet all my friends and we have a good drink and a laugh and sometimes a game of pool.
That'll do for now.

karma police will come and get you if you drink more than 24 hours a day... :P
And your liver and kidneys will take leave
And monkeys will fly to the moon in a spaceship made of blades of grass cut from circus fields that African elephants have trodden on no less than 1034 times.
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