Wednesday, February 01, 2006


{place own title here, I cannot be bothered}

Well MSN Messenger is being a fucking prick, It has a brilliant game included with the software called the, 'sign out at random and not sign you back in' game. I guess some people love this game, me, I fucking hate it!! I'm guessing everyone plays this game once in a while, but I get to play it regularly! Well it might be a whole MSN network problem because the service status screen wont load, but this is me we are talking about and I do get all the shit thrown, in, if most of the people I know fell into a sewer they would come up smelling of roses (its a figure of speech, I know, so fuck off before you comment) but as for me, if I fell into a sewer then I'd come up smelling of shit and probably get a bill for damaging something. I'm not gonna start having a breakdown and woah is me. But for fucks sake I'd like to get a break now and again, my whole life seems to be one step forward two steps back! I guess this is to create my character, sounds cute, feels rotten. But what the fuck, you know me, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get on with it. I have to get on with it, why the fuck doesn't Microsoft sort out their fucking messenger service!!! I don't even know why I'm pissed off, I hardly use the fucking thing, I just like it to be there, working, as it should!
I'll try cheer up the mood and talk about work. The job in Manchester sucks, but should be finished by the weekend. After the weekend I have a small job in Liverpool, sounds cool but we can only access the site after 6pm, so it is in effect - Night Work. Hopefully we can knock the job out in a night or two, but you know my luck, I'll still be there by the time my birthday arrives. (July 7th by the way)
As for this evening, well I think I'll be going round to my mate Trellys, he's a professional cynic, and its lucky it's me ranting in this blog and not him, I tell you, he can rant! it's a gift. It's a gift he uses very well and I usually feel better when I leave his place, (but thats probably the beer)
Well Msn is starting to fucking work, I'm actually getting a response from it, I'm gonna make it work and if it fails I'm gonna throw something out of the window, Perhaps Bill Gates, (He reads my blog) Sort out your fucking operating system Mr Gates!! Make my computer work or I'll fucking swear some more you fucking shit C**T.

I think I have said all I want to say for today
Speak to you later you good good people, and don't get stressed out, chill out, like me!

Sounds like my Collywog needs a holiday!
Poor col, i guess prison break didnt help the mood either :)

24 gonna do the same.

holiday sounds good.
Man you sound you got issues! great blog by the way.
You said "fuck" 12 times in that entry.
I sent him a cheers beer last night to cheer him up!
What's a cheers beer? Can I have one?
i got him 50 triples JDs. He was very appreciative. So happy he went and started a fight with Chiu. You know it.
Sorry Mongoloid, beer is for real people! as a mongoloid you arent a proper person so yuo dont deserve beer! or food for that matter!

Can I have a glass of orange?
no but you can have a handful of broken lightbulb glass inside an under ripe orange and bloody enjoy it!
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