Tuesday, September 12, 2006
dedication's what you need; If you wanna be a record break-er.

The picture is of the World record longest deathbed speech which lasted 93 years 2 days 4 hours and three minutes. (click the picture for a larger view)
I liked this picture because it proves that with enough determination you can achieve anything, there are also other world record holders in the picture, including, the world record peek-a-boo champion (front), Wilfred Cracksnott going for the world record bubble blowing using only his fingers (forth from left, and everyone willing him on!) and the man sat down in the chair on the right holds the World record for best (and longest) impersonation of a gramophone! I might try to find more world records for next time.
Well my holiday is in it's last week and to be honest I've been bored for most of the time, I get up between 8 and 9am to let the dog out then I get washed and dressed and take it for a proper walk then I just lay about all day watching mundane daytime television and gameshow afternoons, honestly, I'm sure my IQ has taken a battering.
I've really have done nothing to tell you about and I suppose in a way that's a good thing, because it means that I've spent my holiday doing nothing, which is what I wanted.
I was saddend by the death of Steve Irwin on September the 4th as I am sure most of the world was shocked or saddend, but the bloke was a fucking nutcase and everyone (myself included) thought he would die by being eaten by a crocodile but in the end it was a rare stingray attack. At least he died doing what he loves doing most! I'm sure people will say the same of me if I die whilst having a wank (thanks for the gag Lee), but until that day comes we'll never know.
I'm gonna go now, and cook my tea, I bought some lovely stewing steak from the butchers this morning and I'm gonna make a nice casserole, so I'd better get cracking.
take care everyone,
EDIT 13-09-2006
After getting told off by Stacey in Australia for not mentioning her in my blog, I've decided to add this:
Had a few exciting conversations with Stacey in Australia, I seem to talk to her more than I talk to Lee which is fine because I don't have a crush on Lee (well not one that I'd admit to you lot). Hope you are fine Stacey, Hope you liked the mention.
Other news, I twisted my ankle yesterday and badly bruised my foot, I was in agony last night and could hardly walk, it's alot better today and I can hobble around quite well but still in pain, I would appreciate your sympathys.
Toodle ooh