Saturday, October 14, 2006


You can talk to me, Anytime that you feel the pain, I'll take the strain, You can talk to me.

Howdy doody doo people.
I thought I'd treat you to an update because I'm bored. So what have I been doing? well as usual I've not done alot, been working and the usual bullshit stuff that everyone says they have been doing when you ask them what they have been upto.
went out with Bullough last saturday and Paul came up from Stoke too, had a good night got home at around 2am! time went really quick but it generally does when you are having fun. Had a missed called from Johnny Arrow who rang at 3am, sorry dude I was in beddy byes by then, you're still a legend in my books though, although if I had woken up when you phoned then I would have called you something quite different!
Been watching the second season of Extras, it's been really funny especially the one with Ronnie Corbett.
So I'm gonna put the cat among the pigeons here and ask you a question that I asked my dad this week and we had a good debate about it (not a mass debate before you ask Dave), so the question that I pout forth is who were the better band? The Beatles or The Beach Boys? now I love both bands but I choose the Beach Boys, mainly because I think they have the better songs, I think my main choice comes from the fact that the Beatles are massively over-played on the radio so they get quite tiresome, That's just my opinion I hope you leave some feedback with what you think. I could also ask who the better songwriter is.... John Lennon or Brian Wilson, now there I would always choose John Lennon because his solo stuff is fantastic.
Aston Villa are still unbeaten this season although we got a stupid draw with Spurs today (missed a penalty and scored an own goal) but all in all I'm happy with them and Martin O' Neill really is a great manager.
I watched Crank (Jason Statham film) the other day and it was fantastic I reccomend you watch it, I've watched loads of films recently but I can't remember what ther were, Snakes on a plane was as shit as you would expect, it's all about a plane that has snakes on it!!!!
Prison Break is on a 2 week break because of the rounders in America, I dunno it could be the World Series which the Yanks fucking love because they win it every year! not one of them realising that America is not the world (isn't that a Morrisey song?) fuckers!! fuck their shitty game of rounders and put Prison Break back on!!! NOW!!!
In other news Kim Jom Il (sp) the Korean Madman has let off a nuclear bomb because he felt like it, what kind of a twat does that? they ain't fucking cheap them things, I know that because I've been looking for one on Ebay.
My next door neighbour is a lazy bastard, his son was doing his homework and asked his dad what a cubic foot was, his dad didn't know but managed to get a week off work with it, I was gonna try it but my dad beat me to it!!!
well I'm gonna fuck off, I couldn't be arsed to do this update but I had nowt better to do.
Hope you are all well, take care people.


A Day in the Life is the best song ever written. Therefore Beatles = rule, Beach Boys = Average.
it's a good song but I hate it when it goes all crap in the middle, .........Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head. I hate it when that bit kicks in!
Beach Boys, but that's 'cos I don't care much for the Beatles at all.
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