Wednesday, December 20, 2006
So here it is, Merry Christmas everybodys having fun, Look to the future now, it's only just begun.

Hello people, It's about time you had an update, it's been about a month since the last one and I've been so lazy that I couldn't be arsed doing an update.
So what's happend?
pretty much fuck all, I went to Scotland to work but that didn't last long and it was really shit, it was really cold and dark and I actually hated every minute of it.
Lees bird Lindsay is over from Australia for a couple of months and I must say she is fucking mental! I mean that in the nicest sense of the word but I didn't expect her to be up for everything! She likes to drink, swear, burp (REALLY loud) and get extremely pissed, she's pretty much the female version of me, only she's tall, got loads of hair and is attractive! (I suddenly hate her!)
My Excellent French friend Eva, (do you know how much it annoys me to be friends with a French person) is back online and it's pretty crazy, I've not spoke to her in a while and I've missed her loads, sometimes you need madness in your life and she is certainly mad!
Christmas is almost upon us and I'm not ready in the slightest, I still need to get presents for my mum and sister and I'm fucked off with all the queues in the shops and fucking idiots wandering around town in zig-zags and fucking stopping in the middle of the street for me to trip over them!! FUCKERS!
Chris Barker is coming back at the weekend and it'll be wikked to see him, not seen him in over a year so it'll be cool to have a few bevvies and a laugh with him.
Cheers to whoever sent the comment in the last entry (probably Jof) with the words to a song I wrote almost ten years ago, it's called Tonight and although Jof might mock that it's sickly sweet, I think he is secretly jealous of it. (It is copyrighted so no stealing it!! Thieving fuckbags)
I think that should do for now, so all that leaves me to say is, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
All the best for 2007!
Woggzeh signing out.
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yes it was me and i'm deadly jealous of it. I'm also jealous of nowhere to run, heartbreaker, end of a rainbow, fairytale princess...well, maybe not the last one ;)
I'll try and dig it out when I'm back over the next few days and MP3 it.
In fcat, I'll try and find all of those demos we did in my 'rent's back room on the two track :D
In fcat, I'll try and find all of those demos we did in my 'rent's back room on the two track :D
Can I please point out that I've done 13 updates on my blog since this was updated. Therefore I am 13 times better than you.
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