Monday, January 22, 2007


Untouchable, if I'm not fit to even crawl if I'm too sick, I'll soak my skin in alcohol until I feel untouchable.

Thanks for the prompting Joffers, twas time for an update, however I can hardly fathom the idea that you are 13 times better than me, (I would have thought it be more) so your life is far more exciting than mine and you've managed to blog 13 times more often than me, well done, while you have been sat at your computer updating your life, I have been out having too much fun to even get near a computer to blog the days events. (Sadly, if you believe me then you are a fool, I've done fuck all but been too lazy to make my fingers create words for you to read).


Well Happy New Year, and I hope you had a good Christmas, I had a great time over the festive period, spent quite alot, which makes me wonder how much Chris Barker spent because he was always at the bar with his card paying for drinks, and if he wasn't at the bar, then I was at the bar with his card paying for drinks. (seriously, his signature is a joke) Had lots of fun though. then it was back to work.
I was was really poorly last week and had sickness and the shits and even managed to throw up blood, which was nice and scary enough to make me call the doctor out, it was nowt to worry about but you never know with these things. I once threw up after drinking loads of cherryade and that looked like blood too, but I knew it wasn't blood because I could taste cherrys.
My sister has been quite poorly with a liver problem and because she is due to give birth any minute now, she has been taken to hospital and has been induced, so hopefully, fingers crossed, I'll be an uncle in a day or so.
Lindsay (Lees bird) has gone back to Australia (they pronounce it Austraya because they are lazy), gonna miss her loads because she was a right fucking laugh and could always be relied upon to fall over! (remember walking back from Asda and you had a sudden desire to kiss the road and you hurted your knee? Do you know how hard it was not to laugh! I nearly choked on my B.L.T) but as it is all good things must come to an end and she has flown back to Australia. I just hope she remembers to tell everyone how shit and horrible it is over here, I don't want all of them visiting!
Just before New Year he had ourselves a hanging, yes, Mr Saddam Hussein was hanged by his neck until dead, I shouldn't revel in his demise but, fuck me, it couldn't have happend to a nicer man. It's a pity he's not a Christmas decoration so we could hang him again this year. (don't fucking complain to me if you don't like the gags - yes that was a gag)
Well that's all I'm gonna blog, just for you Jof, no-one else reads this tripe.

Toodle ooh

Woggzeh - if I ever get a wig you can call me Wiggzeh

Lolz0r @ teh saddumb jokes lols
i love you col. will you be my uncle too?
I'd forgotten about Collywog being an impending uncle. Time to start practising those tricks to play on the sprog!

I know one where you can detach your thumb but I'm not very good at it :(
LOL, Uncle for hire! I could show Dave that detachable thumb trick a million times and he'd still not know how to do it! it's better than telling the same joke over and over again to someone with Alzheimer's
I still point at planes.
FYI - inc xmas prezzies and travel; £1k dropped over xmas... kin el!
FYI - inc xmas prezzies and travel; £1k dropped over xmas... kin el!
Holy fook! I bet I wasn't far off either to be honest, I just don't dare to look :(
Hellos uncle Col..... Congradulations on that. Try not to mess the little kid up too much.
I'd just like to add that i didn't always fall over!!!!

I tripped most the time!

Have fun!!

Lindsay from Oz
Tripping over nothing is a damn fine art babe!!!


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