Sunday, July 08, 2007


It was an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini

Now then.

Well as most of you now, yesterday was my birthday and so we had a party in Leeds, I got to Dave's at about 6pm after getting the train early and had the usual nice greetings from Jof , Dave and Han, Was great to see Joffers again, not seen him in a few years, (he hasn't changed). Had a few beerses, whilst Hannah ironed my shirt, (she did a fantastic job of it too, I would never have got it looking that good, but then I am a man) then the rest of the gang turned up, Trelly, Robin, Matt, Paul and Eloise. We all had a few more beerses before heading out to the Tampopo restaurant, I already knew I was going to have the Pad Krapow because I've had it before so I ordered that and a beer, I was drinking quickly and then my meal came, they are fast there anyway, I needed another beer but I waited until everyone had got their food whilst tucking into my meal, when 'fuck me' I ate a chilli which burnt my fucking mouth out, I had no beer left so when I did get the lady's attention, I was rather rude in telling her to get a move on! anyway, I managed to eat the rest of my meal whilst my tongue was throbbing with third degree burns, but would you believe it, Trelly (who ordered the same as me) burnt his fucking gob on a chilli aswell! I do these things so you don't have to!
There was no sympathy there from me, I didn't get any fucking sympathy so I'm not gonna give any!
Moving on after there we went to a bar I think it was called Henrys but I'm probably wrong, the place was heaving, or so we thought, in fact everyone was just crammed at the bar near the doorway so we managed to get seats at the back, had a good natter then some girls joined us, which I was promptly very rude to once one of them questioned my age, "really, you look older" she said screwing up her face, "clearly not as old as you though bitch" was my reply, she seemed to take it in good spirits and gave me a birthday kiss which is always nice even if it was from some rum old slapper.
It was about 11pm at this stage and Trelly, Paul and Eloise decided to get the nightbus back to Harrogate so they left, we had another drink then decided to goto the elbow rooms, Robin and Matt didn't fancy it so they went and had their own fun, I believe they ended up in Jongulars.
We played some pool (I lost every match I was involved in) then after an hour the lights went out so we returned the balls and found out that it cost £9.00 an hour just to play on the stupid fucking American pool tables, "At least Dick Turpin wears a mask, that's fucking scandalous" I told the barman before being told not to start, so I didn't start. we sat down with our drinks and chatted then I threw Jofs Cider all over me for some stupid reason, but as a general rule, I usually end up wearing a drink or someone else ends up wearing the contents of my stomach!
We left at about 2am and moseyed back to Dave's, a movement I can't actually remember, then we were going to play jenga but that never happened so we chatted for a bit before turning in, I nicked the spare bed after giving Jof the option of it, I knew full well he'd be too polite to take the bed so he slept on the mattress in the front room. I awoke at about 10:45am then tried to get back to sleep but it was a futile effort so I got up for a piss expecting to be the last one up, but no, everyone was still asleep so I ran back to my room jumped into bed, buried my head into the pillows and tried to get an extra minute of sleep, because I knew everyone would be up soon, it didn't work so I lay in bed contemplating what I was going to write in my blog, about an hour later I got up and decided to wake Jof.
eventually everyone was up and all nursing hangovers, Hannah cooked breakfast, a proper fry up, it was bloody good too! once all that was eaten, it was time to check the train times, I had 40 minutes till the next one, so I got dressed and said my goodbyes and set off, I nearly got on the train to Birmingham but managed to jump off when I realised my mistake, anyway, I had a good journey home reading the book that Jof had got me for my birthday (thanks man), and that pretty much brings us up to date. All in all it was a fantastic night, so thanks to everyone who came.


Glad to hear you had a fabulous day Col.

Hope you have many more to come.

Lots of Love
Again my comments fail to publish,

Wish I'd been there sir, sounds like a fun evening!

Hopefully I'll be there for your 30th, hehe!!


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