Thursday, November 22, 2007


There's no mistake, I smell that smell, It's that time of year again, I can taste the air

So whilst we are on the subject of Australia (confused yet?) one thing that really annoys me, I saw it earlier and it's just been gnawing at me whilst I've been peeling the spuds, it's that question, "what is the capital of Australia" and every cunt in the whole fucking world, puts on their 'I'm a clever fuckwit' face and says, "Canberra" and then laughs looks all smug and follows up the answer with the line, "I bet you thought I was going to say Sydney, everyone thinks it's Sydney, nobody realises that it's actually Canberra!" then they think that they are the greatest brain in the history of quizzes, I fucking hate them people, ( I bet a few of you are thinking, that's what I usually say, well if it is you then you're a dumb fuck!) my real point now is, have you EVER met any cunt who actually said "Sydney"? I bet it's a big fat fucking "NO" unless you have asked a child but that doesn't count, all children are thick. The truth is everyone fucking knows that the capital is Canberra, so if you are asked the question in the future, then please, don't act like a cunt, don't go all smug, just say, "Canberra, everyone knows it's Canberra" and when the person who asked you the question in the first place says, "No, actually, most people think it's Sydney" then do me a favour and punch them in the face.

Thank you and goodnight

Monday, November 12, 2007


When you were young and your heart was an open book, You used to say live and let live, (you know you did, you know you did you know you did)


So what's up people, not a lot as usual, November the 5th saw fireworks night so I went up to the stray with Trelly to watch the show, it was quite a good show actually, they had lots of fireworks (obviously) and this year as a nice twist they played music to accompany the whistles and bangs, which worked quite well, it was just a pity that it wasn't choreographed to perfection so when the music hit a pinnacle then a firework would go boom, the charity collectors were there as always with their buckets, ( I usually take a handful of washers and throw them in, it's dark they cant see that it's not money it makes the right noise though and they even say thank you to me) the radio guy was saying that they needed to raise £10.000 for some charity where you send your kids to die, (not in the way that you send them there when you're sick of them) which was an ambitious figure especially when you stand in the cold for 15 minutes cheering as £200.000 of fireworks go up in fucking smoke! Call me a fool but wouldn't it be easier to buy £190.000 of fire works, donate the rest of the money to the charity and tell them to fuck off with their stupid buckets? Still it was a good night and the fire was, well, like a bonfire.
After the show, we went back to Trellys in anticipation of Joe Calzaghe fighting, which incidentally didn't start until bloody 01:20 by which time I had drunk loads of lager and quite a bit of JD and coke, and I could hardly stand up, still the fight was good, I think.
usual stuff happened since then, I was also amazed to see Pieman reads this blog and leaves comments, thank you squire, still not going to your quiz but thank you all the same, oh and PLEASE for the love of god, stop sending me text messages saying, Alexandra quiz Monday nights free chilli and cash prizes, not only is it fucking annoying, but I always have a little cry too, you see, I don't have many friends and I rarely get text messages, so when my phone starts beeping then I get all excited, only to find it's a bloody advert! (now I've said that I'll probably get two messages from him, bastard).
Yesterday I was lying on the sofa stroking my cat when I noticed that it's white fur was all red, I asked my mum, 'why is this cat all red?' and she started laughing and told me that she spilled red wine all over it when it jumped on her lap the previous night, I couldn't believe it, 'didn't you think to pour white wine on it?' was my reply to which everyone laughed and the cat jabbed me in the stomach with it's claw.
Must dash, those pot noodles don't rehydrate themselves you know.


Thursday, November 01, 2007


Wake up maggie I think I got something to say to you, Its late september and I really should be back at school

Four in four days!!!

another quickie, I've finished chapter 5 today and now I'm bored, I had this great plan that book one would be my characters pre teens then book two would be teenage years, book three in his twenties and so on and so forth, I'm still going to do this idea one day, just not right now, if there is enough demand (at least two people asking) for another chapter or two, then I might consider it, but I really want to start a new adventure away from psychopaths and other such monsters, and besides whilst writing my little story, it all seemed a bit too autobiographical.
I have a plan set up to write a prison book, something between prison break and Shawshank, I'll call it the prison redemption! nah, kidding, it's set on Alcatraz, (surprise surprise, no one thinks of writing books about the rock!), I've got a few characters in place and I've also considered using real prisoners and their identification numbers too, but like I say, I'm still working on it.
anyway, that's what's going on, let me know if you want the book emailed or more chapters. Let me know if you read this blog, let me know I'm not alone..........please.


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