Friday, December 07, 2007


I was on the high wire looking down, for my safety net, When I swear I saw you with that clown, how can I forget?

Now then,
well I don't know why i'm treating you to this update, bored I guess, just made a casserole and wanged it in the oven, should be good.
I think I've broken my finger, well, not broken it but hurt it a little, don't quite know how, but it hurts.
So how are you all? I see Pieman is still leaving the message about his memory loss in the comment box, quite funny really.
I'm sure I had something quite good to tell you but typically it's slipped my mind.
Has anyone ever done that thing where you start humming or whistling or singing a bit of song and you can't, for the life of you, work out what the song is, even though you know that you've heard it somewhere and it's a fucking amazing song, so you commit it to memory and attempt to work it out later but then completely forget the tune and can't get it back? well I reckon that sometimes that amazing song, is actually the 'yesterday' complex, (Macca woke up one night and hummed the song 'yesterday' and wrote it down convinced that it had already been written) yeah, so, erm, I've got no founding of my thoughts I just thought I'd share it with you and I kind of like the idea that Jof might have never of thought of that before and is now trying to recall all those songs that he has forgotten just in case there is a little gem in there and prove my theory right.
Christmas is just around the corner now, I hope everyone is ready, I'm still pissed off with, I ordered some dvds (posted on the 20th November) and they still haven't arrived and I have to wait until the 11the December before I can report them missing to Play, which sucks, as I've paid for the fucking things so I want them here, this is the biggest flaw of internet shopping, you don't get this shit when you use the cash for items/instant transaction policy that has existed for thousands of years!
I'll post before Christmas I think, I'll try and get a nice little Christmas card for you, and how about a Christmas quiz? I'll set some questions for you to answer, would you like that?
I bet nobody knows the song that today's title is lifted from without using Google.

ah well, I think that'll do for now, if I need to say owt else then I'll msn you.


I had to Google it - not surprised either, 'kin hated that band :D

Ok, I didn't hate them but they didn't tickle my fancy as it were.

What I actually want to know is why most famous artists are Dutch (from a previous blog post). Go on, tell me please! Is it cos they're the ones who decided who was famous or not?
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