Sunday, January 27, 2008


Gold, Always believe in your soul, You've got the power to know, You're indestructable, Always believe in,because you are, Gold

Now then my favourite people in the world united under one blog.

I actually have an update for you, I've actually done something different...I actually had a date...with a girl!
Her name is Kristy and I've been messaging her for a while now and I guess she gave up and agreed to meet me, so we were supposed to go out on Friday night but that was cancelled so we agreed on Saturday night instead, 7pm in the pub, I arrived at 6:45 (because I'm an idiot) and my heart was pounding I was so nervous, I managed to get a seat where I could see the football so that took my mind off things in between checking my watch every thirty seconds, then at 7pm on the dot, she arrived and suddenly I felt at ease and I bought her a drink and then did my usual stupid thing of talking about nothing, I had the jitters again, and I was sure she was going to figure out that I'm an idiot and walk away but she didn't, and we had a few drinks and then went to the cinema to see Sweeny Todd, twas quite good actually, I really wanted to do that thing of stretching and putting my arm round her but decided against it, the film ended and we went to the rat and parrot and had more drinks and more talking and I just couldn't stop myself staring into her eyes, they are unbelievable to look at, I'm sure this might have been annoying to Kristy but I couldn't help it, then we walked home, and I held her hand (massive grin as I write about it) I walked her to her door and had a little kiss and cuddle and then I went home, I actually floated home with my head in the clouds, it was lovely, I hope I didn't make a complete idiot of myself and I really want to see her again, So, as she reads this blog, I would like to ask you out again Kristy, preferably soon, and I'll be less nervous and more relaxed.
In other news, my niece, Abigail, has turned one, I can't believe a year has passed since her birth but it has, and so today I am going to a birthday party, I only hope we have cake!
Work is hard and I'm in Liverpool for a few more days then I have a job in Preston to start.
I hope you are all well. Take care

(A very smitten) Woggzeh.

psycho ;)
She should have walked away as soon as the word smitten was used, who uses the word smitten?? ;)

just jesting
I can't believe teh Wog would buck the trend like this, totally fucking out of character for a start.

So what you're saying is (and I can't believe my fingers here) is that you... paid to see a film?.

Nice work :D
as i check this its 6.40am and i'm on my way back to college for new term. Did i dream what i read? Good on ya col. Hope all works well.
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