Thursday, January 03, 2008
January, sick and tired, you've been hanging on me, You make me sad with your eyes, You're telling me lies, Don't go, don't go.

Happy new year people.
So here we are in 2008, I feel like I've not blogged since last year! so here we go first blog of the year.
Christmas was fun, I actually got loads of stuff that I wanted to receive, including the books I mentioned to my mum months ago, I thought she would have forgotten all about them, but she came up with the goods. most of Christmas was spent laughing at my niece Abby, she managed to get more presents than I've ever received in my life! never mind, she loved playing with all her toys and wasn't the least bit interested in the paper and boxes, she actually wanted the toys, which was cool, except most of them were noisy and had repetitive tunes and that did my nut by the end of the day!
The rest of the week was a sombre affair, Chris Barker was back in town and I had a good drink with him, he's good and well.
New year was spent in Edinburgh and although the night afore party and princess street celebration weren't as good as the others I had been on, the whole two days was the best ever because I walked past Noel Gallagher in the street! hold on, I don't think you quite got my excitement there, I WALKED PAST NOEL 'FUCKING' GALLAGHER IN THE STREET, I could have touched him, I could have done anything and me being me decided to take this opportunity to meet my hero and so I stopped in my tracks inhaled like I was having a heart attack and wheezed the words, "that's Noel Gallagher" as he walked straight past me and on his way towards George Street, I was amazed, I grabbed my phone and texted everyone, I rang Jof and he was excited for me as well, there was a lot of excitement built up in that phone call, he was in the car with his brother going to a party, I have recently read in an interview with Noel Gallagher that he had an amazing new year, playing with Kasabian in Edinburgh but the icing on the cake for him, was when he walked past his favourite blogger Woggzeh on the street, he said he was so excited he couldn't bring himself to stop, so he just kept walking! his words not mine, all absolutely true*
in fairness, my excitement was very childish, but fuck it, how often do you walk past a Rock legend, a man who will be in the history books long after I'm dead!
The rest of Edinburgh was fun, I would just like to make a little note remembering the first night in the travel lodge where five of us sat up drinking in the bar, that was a brilliant conversation, and should never be repeated, but those who were there will know how funny it was.
so Dec 31st and we were all herded into princess street like cattle, we stupidly headed our way right to the middle of the 100.000 strong crown and then got stuck, it took Paul 40 minutes to go for a piss! midnight came and the fireworks were great apart from the smoke which meant you couldn't see them. then we went in search of a pub (same idea as 100.000 other people) somewhere along our jaunt it was decided to go back to the travel lodge bar as it was open till 4am, it was there that I partook in the (now) traditional 'phoning of the Jof' and had a chat with him, he rings me or I ring him, just depends who gets through first.
The journey home was as boring as ever, the A1 is a shit road it's mundane and I hate it, I've done it way too many times.
I've not bothered with a new years resolution because it's stupid, I can take up a resolution any time, I don't need to be bullied into going on a diet by fat greasy fucks just because it's January.
There's a bit of snow today, which is nice, Roll on February.
All the best for 2008
*may not be true
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How come McPartys blog, which hasn't been updated since October doesn't get a little label next to his link saying "never updated"? Bloody one rule for some and another for Bullough. Bloody woggzeh.
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