Monday, February 04, 2008


I'm pushing an elephant up the stairs, I'm tossing up punch lines that were never there, Over my shoulder a piano falls, crashing to the ground.

Now then Blog fans,

I just wanted to apologise for yesterdays blog, I was having a really shitty day and so I got myself really depressed, I'll try not to let it happen again, all is well now, Lee got bitten by a spider in Australia, which probably sounds worse than it is, but, when you live in a sweetshop, you're gonna eat some sweets. (Or something).



Oh yeah, that's what I was gonna say, did anyone, when they were a kid, watch Top Of the Pops with subtitles on, so you could learn the words to the songs?
I was reminded of this the other night when I heard the Elton John song, "Sacrifice", imagine my disappointment when I read that the lyrics go, "cold cold heart", when I'd actually been singing, "co-co-pops"

Catch you next Sunday!

I got bitten by a spider too. Little bastard got me on the knuckle and it went all grindy when I moved it around. Made me feel like shit too.
Was ace, not life threatening or anything but it makes you feel a bit flu like for a bit, bites burn like a bitch though, at one point it felt like someone was holding a soldering iron on my neck and wouldn't move it.
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