Sunday, May 18, 2008


I haven't seen your face round, since I was a kid, you're bringing back those memories of the things that we did

Good Morrow.

I think Sunday comes round way too fast, it only seems like yesterday I was struggling to do this blog, and here we are again, a blank screen and a blanker brain.
So this week Piers Morgan has been everywhere, I say Hoooooray!!!! I love the bloke, he's the only bloke on tv who makes any sense. I saw him recently on Question time and, well, he was great and if he was in government then I'd vote for him, I'm sure there are a few of you out there who hate him, that's fine, he'd probably hate you too, He's definitely like Marmite, you either love him or loathe him, as I can't stand Marmite, then my appreciation of Piers Morgan seems justified.
well, my mood has been up and down like a brides nightie recently, just thought I'd tell you that.
Jof's blog is coming on leaps and bounds, I think I might have a problem with my cookies because it says he hasn't updated since April, he's actually got lazy because he's got a girlfriend! yes a GIRLFRIEND how gay is that?
Collywogs Bloggy Blog is doing well although I need to write some more posts and put them in the bank for a later date as I'm running out, it's not that I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I can't be arsed to write any thing, I should really carry a Dictaphone around with me because I do most of my thinking while I'm out and about, which probably looks stupid as I always move my lips when I think, and as I have my music on in my ears, I've noticed that I do a strange kind of jig when I walk, like my body is trying to dance to the music but my sub conscious is fighting the urge to make a prat of myself in public, although I know I'll crack one day, probably in the middle of a busy street, throw my hands in the air, do a little kick and sing the chorus to the song I'm listening to as loud as I dare and then realise what I've done and be really embarrassed, in fact, I hope I'm with you when it happens!
I also managed to put a 'rate my blog' widget on C.B.B but it's a bit shit, I've had three ratings all giving it 10/10 and yet the chart gives it a 6.4% so I don't know what's going on there.
I've found out that a new food stuff that I'll be enjoying more of is cold baked beans and brown sauce, try it you might like it.
I was massively disappointed that Jof didn't win (or enter) the spot the song contest, in fact no fucker entered, leaving me with with the secret prize.


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