Sunday, November 29, 2009


So if you want to love me, then darlin' don't refrain. Or I'll just end up walkin', In the cold November rain.


Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;

Ok, it's Sunday, there's nothing going down and so I thought I'd slap a few words on this page for you to read.
So I've done all my Christmas shopping and I've wrapped all my presents, which is extremely organised of me and I've pat myself on the back for being good, usually I'm running around at 5pm Christmas eve with a ten pound note in my pocket trying to buy gifts for everyone, while the snow is falling and the children stand in groups singing Christmas carols to the weary shoppers...................hold on I'm turning into Charles Dickens.
So I watched the film Paranormal Activity on Friday night and stupidly I 'got into' the film instead of laughing and commenting with bravado in front of my mates, and so I went home and was jumping out of my skin to every noise and bump and squeak that I heard, it's not that the film is particually scary, it's more to do with what you don't see. Which is scarier than the guff Hollywood throws at you, you can tell none of it's real, but with Paranormal Activity, it holds onto that realism and is just plain creepy, and like I said, I got into it and I let it fuck with my head.
Barker is back up in a few weeks, he sent me a text t'other day saying he was going to bring me some music software, I want to edit a few songs I have on my computer and he should have the stuff I need.
Medical: I'm now a full blown diabetic now, I should be starting on insulin shots this week (waiting for a phone call from the local nurse to show me how to administer it properly), so we'll see how that goes, I'm guessing I'll get some sort of talisman to wear, I think if I get the choice I'll choose a necklace one, failing that I'll request a cock ring.
I found this on youtube, it made me laugh.
HOLY CRAP: Just had a scary moment then, I pressed something and my whole post went blank, luckily blogger saves my ramblings (spelling mistakes et-al) every minute or so, so I've not lost anything, but that would have made my day worse if I had, I know this blog is shit but it would still piss me off if I lost everything I had spent so long writing.
Soon be December, I hope you all have advent calendars, I have a regular calendar, so I don't need chocolate treats to help me remember what day it is. (says the diabetic in the corner).

Well I think that'll do, I think the next blog update might be the Woggzehs World Christmas Awards 2009, so let me know if you want me to include any awards.

Toodle Ooh


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