Sunday, November 08, 2009


you blow a fuse zing boom, the devil cuts loose zing boom, so what's the use wow bam, of falling in love.

Then now, how are thee?

Firework night last night and it was a bit of a damp squib in more ways than one, (but less ways than three)firstly it was raining and secondly, it wasn't as good as I remember it being, I don't know if it was because there were less 'big' fireworks or the fact that they didn't do the firework display to music, I don't know. All I know is that I started to get bored after ten minutes and my legs were starting to ache, however, teh big finalé was pretty awesome.
however I did take a picture of the fireworks and the bonfire, which I've cleverly linked to the words 'Fireworks' and 'Bonfire' in the previous sentence because when I attach massive pictures to this blog it means it takes forever to get on my mobile phone. Not that I read my blog on the move I hasten to add, I was trying to look something up that I blogged about way back when but gave up when it took too long.
So what have I learned since last time? well not a right lot, I learned that Jof's not a Jew, although I think he's telling fibs.
I had a dream I was in Australia the other day and because I was moaning about the heat, Lee took me on a bus where it rains inside, only problem was it was full of spiders, which was ok because I wasn't scared but some of the girls were, not a clue who the girls actually were but they are very welcome to return to any of my dreams.
Also, did this for Lee because I was bored.....This
I watched Zombieland the other day and it's a bloody good film, very funny and and and. Go watch it yourself, I'm not Jonathan Ross.

I took this picture, I think it's a sign of things to come......Click Here

so I think I'm out of words and numbers and images to keep you amused so I'll bid you fare-do-well.
Oh yeah, I've been getting loads of spam messages, (at least the spam leaves message you fuckers) but I've added a security thing for messages now so you'll need to do that to confirm you are human, then in the message box, leave your bank details.

take care peeps


That future events thing looks like your handwriting!

Does the arrow point to a man having a poo?
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