Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Those were the days, my friend, We thought they'd never end. We'd sing and dance forever and a day.
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morrow people.
Have I used that song as my post title before?
Well January went quick didn't it?
Now it's Febuary and it's a short month which is nice. The winter olympics starts this weekend and I'm looking forward to that only because I like watching those nutters whizzing down a hill on a tea tray - head first - doing speeds in excess of a thousand miles an hour.
So what happened in January? I don't know I never do, I live my life day by day and whne one day ends I generally forget about it.
I'm currently trying to win the lottery, I'd particually like the Euro millions one this week because its aty something like £120 million and with that kind of dough I could treat all my readers to £100 cash tax-free. So cross your fingers for me and you'll be in for a windfall. I could also go to australia and see Lee and his good lady, I have it all planned, I wouldn't just fly to Australia as I'd do my fucking nut being trapped in a plane for all that time, no I'd go to my newly bought flat in Prague and chill there for a few days then I'd go to where ever the dart lands in a map of europe, eventually working my way to Russia, then China and where ever I have to be to get to Oz, basically I'll be trekking to Australia at my own leisure and then I'd come home that way too, totally avoiding America because I'd hate it.
I'd also but myself some nice camping stuff because I could. I might even buy a house in Coniston.
I went to the IMAX in Bradistan to watch avatar in 3D it was amazing and I'd advise you to go see it in 3D, the story isn't the greatest think Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves and you know the story already. But still don't let that deter you it's the best cinematic experience of my life and not as disappointing as when I was told to 'take a box of tissues' with me to Schindlers List and sat through the whole film without finding anything to wank over! (I've definitely used that gag before)
So I've been trying to write my novel, I'd like it to be a novel-novel but if it turns out to be a collection of short stories then I'm not too bothered. The problem is I start one story then get bored and start another and then I don't know which story to finish, so I'm going to post some here and if you don't mind, download them, have a read and let me know which one you prefer, if you hate them all then go fuck yourself.
The Man
Prison story
Willoughby 2
Gangster story
Well those are the ones that I like and have ideas for, it's just a caseof disciplining myself to sit down and finish them, because everytime I sit a the computer I end up looking at facebook or something.
I watched a cracking little film called Law Abiding Citizen the other week. I suggest you giove it a looksie.
Bullough showed me a great link to a site called dropbox, basically you can store and back up all your files online and for free, you get 2GB for signing up, so you may as well sign up, so you have it there forever, just in case you ever need it. also if you follow this link: https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTQ1ODA3NDI5
Then we both get an extra 250 MB, so sign up and we are all winners.
Well I think that'll do for an update. Sorry it's been shit, but please take a look at my stories and give me some feedback.
Toodle ooh
Have I used that song as my post title before?
Well January went quick didn't it?
Now it's Febuary and it's a short month which is nice. The winter olympics starts this weekend and I'm looking forward to that only because I like watching those nutters whizzing down a hill on a tea tray - head first - doing speeds in excess of a thousand miles an hour.
So what happened in January? I don't know I never do, I live my life day by day and whne one day ends I generally forget about it.
I'm currently trying to win the lottery, I'd particually like the Euro millions one this week because its aty something like £120 million and with that kind of dough I could treat all my readers to £100 cash tax-free. So cross your fingers for me and you'll be in for a windfall. I could also go to australia and see Lee and his good lady, I have it all planned, I wouldn't just fly to Australia as I'd do my fucking nut being trapped in a plane for all that time, no I'd go to my newly bought flat in Prague and chill there for a few days then I'd go to where ever the dart lands in a map of europe, eventually working my way to Russia, then China and where ever I have to be to get to Oz, basically I'll be trekking to Australia at my own leisure and then I'd come home that way too, totally avoiding America because I'd hate it.
I'd also but myself some nice camping stuff because I could. I might even buy a house in Coniston.
I went to the IMAX in Bradistan to watch avatar in 3D it was amazing and I'd advise you to go see it in 3D, the story isn't the greatest think Pocahontas or Dances with Wolves and you know the story already. But still don't let that deter you it's the best cinematic experience of my life and not as disappointing as when I was told to 'take a box of tissues' with me to Schindlers List and sat through the whole film without finding anything to wank over! (I've definitely used that gag before)
So I've been trying to write my novel, I'd like it to be a novel-novel but if it turns out to be a collection of short stories then I'm not too bothered. The problem is I start one story then get bored and start another and then I don't know which story to finish, so I'm going to post some here and if you don't mind, download them, have a read and let me know which one you prefer, if you hate them all then go fuck yourself.
The Man
Prison story
Willoughby 2
Gangster story
Well those are the ones that I like and have ideas for, it's just a caseof disciplining myself to sit down and finish them, because everytime I sit a the computer I end up looking at facebook or something.
I watched a cracking little film called Law Abiding Citizen the other week. I suggest you giove it a looksie.
Bullough showed me a great link to a site called dropbox, basically you can store and back up all your files online and for free, you get 2GB for signing up, so you may as well sign up, so you have it there forever, just in case you ever need it. also if you follow this link: https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTQ1ODA3NDI5
Then we both get an extra 250 MB, so sign up and we are all winners.
Well I think that'll do for an update. Sorry it's been shit, but please take a look at my stories and give me some feedback.
Toodle ooh