Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm so tired of being lonely I still have some love to give Won't you show me that you really care?

Bloody hell, the last day of the month comes earlier and earlier, by the time we get to February, the last day of the month will probably be on the 28th or something.
So, It's snowing, there's not much more to say than that really, you've seen snow before, it hasn't come as a surprise, really. It's just there and it's cold and miserable.
speaking of cold and miserable, I had the cold and miserable virus the other week, my nose was running with snot and I had a nasty cough and generally felt unwell, so I stayed in bed for a whole day, needless to say, this virus was an epidemic in Harrogate, everyone seemed to get it, which is nice.
I've done most of my Christmas shopping and am now waiting for it to arrive via the postman. I couldn't be arsed going around the shops this year so I've ordered everything on-line, now all I need to do is wait around till the stuff shows up, which it probably wont and then I'll have to go trawl around the shops on Christmas eve looking for presents. Stupid fucking Postman!
Saw Jim Jefferies live doing his show - Alcoholocaust. He was bloody hilarious, and so far past the line of decency I was nearly offended! imagine that. He was bloody good.
The big news really is about Jof, as you probably all know now, Jof went and got himself married at the beginning of the month with Reading reporting a massive increase in female suicides when the news was announced.
So yeah, I'm still shocked, Jof's just a boy in my eyes, a wee whipper snapper, but fair play to him, he found a girl that liked him and snapped it up. May they have a long and happy life together. Mazel tov!
Well, I'm gonna cut this short again, I'm bored of doing this blog, I think that once the year is done I'll shut it all down. I know I say this every year, but I'm really bored now, in fact I'll finish on January 14th 2011, then that'll make the blog exactly five years old when I finish, which isn't a bad run for blogs nowadays.
Laters 'taters


Don't kill the blog! Leave it up for posterity!
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