Sunday, November 20, 2011
Just lying smiling in the dark Shooting stars around your heart Dreams come bouncing in your head Pure and simple everytime
Ah, Here we are again, a blank page a blank mind and the only blog on the net with 17 followers who probably don't care if I update or not.
So let me tell you about my week.
So last Monday I went for an interview with Phones4U.
I had to get the train to Leeds which is a boring journey. I honestly couldn't commute every day.
Anyway the 'assessment day' and interviews are held in the morning and afternoon respectively. The assessment morning is all about team bonding and drags you so far out of your comfort zone they may as well have stripped me naked and thrown me out into the street.
85 people arrived in the morning and after the introduction speeches a few had sloped off, a thought that had crossed my mind initially, but as I was there I decided to throw myself into it head first.
Once we were split into groups we were sent to our respective corners and my first assessment was this scenario: "You are all on a burning yacht in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is only one life boat and it can only hold 5 people, you must decide who to save by arguing your usefulness by the item you will bring to the lifeboat" we were all given cards with an item on them and then we had to make our point to be saved. The guy with the Army rations had an easy argument. I had the mosquito net, so I was fucked.
Part 2 was to pitch a phone, we were given sheets with information about a phone, we had 2 minutes to make notes and then stand up in front of everyone and pitch the phone. This was probably my most comfortable challenge as it's just basic selling, I know a thing or two about that and so instead of standing there reeling off the information about the phone, I hit the high points and let my enthusiasm and ability to tell the audience that this phone is fantastic and a marked improvement on the old model to sell the item. I explained that I felt that you can overwhelm people with information that they don't need to know, like the weight of the phone or the operation system, That's information you should know but only offer if you are asked, simple. Anyway, I aced that one.
Part 3 was to draw your perfect moment and talk about if for two minutes. I resisted the temptation to draw some porn, so I drew a cup of tea and a biscuit and explained how a brew is universal in bringing people together and a great way to relax, blah blah blah. Fair to say I did well.
Part 4 was supposedly the easiest challenge, You had to stand in front of everyone and talk about yourself for a timed 2 minutes. This is really difficult to do in front of an audience and I realised on my way home that the people who put their hands in their pockets didn't get asked back for an interview. I learned years ago to keep my hands away from my pockets that it's almost un-natural for me to put my hands in my pockets when nervous, I actually go on the charm offensive.
Anyway I was allowed to speak for 2 and a half minutes. The bloke timing me said I was doing so well he didn't want to stop me. I also used a tip I was told for doing my Best Man speech. That's to focus on a few people who are spread out so it looks as though you are addressing everyone. Simple but effective. Fair to say I aced that one. I later learned that I scored 37 out of 40, which means I scored 10/10 in at least one of my assessments.
I was called back for an interview in the afternoon,this was 2pm and the man said that we could be there for a few hours so if anybody had to be anywhere then let them know and they would process them first. My hand shot up immediately, I didn't have anywhere to be but I couldn't be arsed sitting around for hours for a 5 minute interview so I invented an appointment at 16:30 and I was processed first. How's that for thinking on my feet? Bitches.
I received an email yesterday - Saturday - That I didn't get the job because they have no openings available for me, but they were extremely impressed with me and will keep my details on file and let me know if anything comes up. But bollocks to that I'm a one time only deal.
On Wednesday I started doing voluntary work at a place up Hornbeam Park called Disability Action Yorkshire which is a charity organisation. I work in the warehouse doing a bit of everything and it's right up my street because it's a bit like an auction house/store room. Loads of cool things to be processed and sold. I've been on delivery and collections, processing, administration, sales and next week I'll be cracking on with getting stuff listed on Ebay.
The things we sell are bedroom/bathroom/dining furniture that gets donated. We only deal with quality goods, also we deal with stuff that isn't donated. So if you have an item that you want to sell we can sell it for you and take a commission and everyone is happy, we have a 3 piece suite in for £25 and a huge dining table and chairs for £15. We also have a settee for £2000 so there really is something for everyone and also if you are a trying to furnish a flat and don't want to spend a fortune then it's an ideal solution, it's only early days at the moment so it's not too busy but It's fair to say that I'm loving it. There might be an opportunity to start full time in January too which I'm going to try and get so I'll be working my little socks off and show them that life will be so much easier with me on board.
Here is a picture of my domain:

I think that will do for now. Hope you are all ok.
So let me tell you about my week.
So last Monday I went for an interview with Phones4U.
I had to get the train to Leeds which is a boring journey. I honestly couldn't commute every day.
Anyway the 'assessment day' and interviews are held in the morning and afternoon respectively. The assessment morning is all about team bonding and drags you so far out of your comfort zone they may as well have stripped me naked and thrown me out into the street.
85 people arrived in the morning and after the introduction speeches a few had sloped off, a thought that had crossed my mind initially, but as I was there I decided to throw myself into it head first.
Once we were split into groups we were sent to our respective corners and my first assessment was this scenario: "You are all on a burning yacht in the middle of the Pacific Ocean there is only one life boat and it can only hold 5 people, you must decide who to save by arguing your usefulness by the item you will bring to the lifeboat" we were all given cards with an item on them and then we had to make our point to be saved. The guy with the Army rations had an easy argument. I had the mosquito net, so I was fucked.
Part 2 was to pitch a phone, we were given sheets with information about a phone, we had 2 minutes to make notes and then stand up in front of everyone and pitch the phone. This was probably my most comfortable challenge as it's just basic selling, I know a thing or two about that and so instead of standing there reeling off the information about the phone, I hit the high points and let my enthusiasm and ability to tell the audience that this phone is fantastic and a marked improvement on the old model to sell the item. I explained that I felt that you can overwhelm people with information that they don't need to know, like the weight of the phone or the operation system, That's information you should know but only offer if you are asked, simple. Anyway, I aced that one.
Part 3 was to draw your perfect moment and talk about if for two minutes. I resisted the temptation to draw some porn, so I drew a cup of tea and a biscuit and explained how a brew is universal in bringing people together and a great way to relax, blah blah blah. Fair to say I did well.
Part 4 was supposedly the easiest challenge, You had to stand in front of everyone and talk about yourself for a timed 2 minutes. This is really difficult to do in front of an audience and I realised on my way home that the people who put their hands in their pockets didn't get asked back for an interview. I learned years ago to keep my hands away from my pockets that it's almost un-natural for me to put my hands in my pockets when nervous, I actually go on the charm offensive.
Anyway I was allowed to speak for 2 and a half minutes. The bloke timing me said I was doing so well he didn't want to stop me. I also used a tip I was told for doing my Best Man speech. That's to focus on a few people who are spread out so it looks as though you are addressing everyone. Simple but effective. Fair to say I aced that one. I later learned that I scored 37 out of 40, which means I scored 10/10 in at least one of my assessments.
I was called back for an interview in the afternoon,this was 2pm and the man said that we could be there for a few hours so if anybody had to be anywhere then let them know and they would process them first. My hand shot up immediately, I didn't have anywhere to be but I couldn't be arsed sitting around for hours for a 5 minute interview so I invented an appointment at 16:30 and I was processed first. How's that for thinking on my feet? Bitches.
I received an email yesterday - Saturday - That I didn't get the job because they have no openings available for me, but they were extremely impressed with me and will keep my details on file and let me know if anything comes up. But bollocks to that I'm a one time only deal.
On Wednesday I started doing voluntary work at a place up Hornbeam Park called Disability Action Yorkshire which is a charity organisation. I work in the warehouse doing a bit of everything and it's right up my street because it's a bit like an auction house/store room. Loads of cool things to be processed and sold. I've been on delivery and collections, processing, administration, sales and next week I'll be cracking on with getting stuff listed on Ebay.
The things we sell are bedroom/bathroom/dining furniture that gets donated. We only deal with quality goods, also we deal with stuff that isn't donated. So if you have an item that you want to sell we can sell it for you and take a commission and everyone is happy, we have a 3 piece suite in for £25 and a huge dining table and chairs for £15. We also have a settee for £2000 so there really is something for everyone and also if you are a trying to furnish a flat and don't want to spend a fortune then it's an ideal solution, it's only early days at the moment so it's not too busy but It's fair to say that I'm loving it. There might be an opportunity to start full time in January too which I'm going to try and get so I'll be working my little socks off and show them that life will be so much easier with me on board.
Here is a picture of my domain:

I think that will do for now. Hope you are all ok.