Sunday, May 25, 2008
We love this exaltation (woh oh, o-o-o-oh), We want the new temptations (woh oh, o-o-o-oh), It's like a revelation (woh oh, o-o-o-oh).
Ey up.
I'm loving this song at the moment, it's by Alphabeat and it's called Fascination, it's just really cool and boppy, I've heard a few other songs by them and I like them too, but this one stands out head and shoulders above the rest.
Now I've managed to devise a dance for this song and I'm going to teach you all how it should be done, I made it up as I was walking down the street with this song on my MP3 player, and it was then that I realise that I'd cracked it, I was a dancing god!!! so here is what you do:
1 - Place left arm straight up in the air with your hand in a fist.
2 - Whilst hand is in the air, raise your right knee so you are balancing on one leg.
3 - During the intro, you nod your head.
4 - when it kicks in, you must put a huge grin on your face.
5 - then you hop to your right foot bringing your left knee up while at the same time, bringing your left arm down and sending your right arm up with your hand in a fist.
6 - Repeat all the way through the song.
I'm telling you, it's brilliant, and the most important bit is the grin, it must be genuine and if you do the dance moves right then the grin will be genuine, go try it.
I got a new tent this week which is cool, Argos have a half price sale on so I got a 4 man tent for £21:99, I needed a new one because my camping bed didn't fit in my old one, anyway, I put it up in my garden and I notice a big bloody rip in the groundsheet, which is bloody annoying so I had to take it back and replace it, I'll be fair to Argos here, they didn't ask any questions or fuck me about, which is what I expected, no, they changed it and I now have a tent with no holes in it, which I'm happy about, so well done Argos for your good customer service.
Last night was the Eurovision Song Contest and we had a dilemma, a BIG dilemma, because the boxing was on too, Ricky Hatton was on box office and we all wanted to watch that too, so we watched Eurovision until 9:45 and then Robin found an internet site that was streaming the fight, for free!! so as it happened, the night of Saturday 24th May, six lads sat in Robins front room, huddled round a laptop watching the boxing while also keeping an eye on the Eurovison voting results on a 42 inch screen!! Brilliant!!
I'd also like to mention that Greece were robbed and Russia won, which all comes down to the political voting bollocks again, I mean the Greeks should have won because they had this woman:

And I think you'll agree, she is gorgeous (I've stored a few images up in the old wank bank), although there was a lot of good looking birds performing and well done to them too, I am however considering writing a song and entering myself for next years Eurovison, who thinks I should do that?
Also Collywogs bloggy blog is doing well, have you noticed though, this blog here has a higher rating, which I think is strange.
I'm loving this song at the moment, it's by Alphabeat and it's called Fascination, it's just really cool and boppy, I've heard a few other songs by them and I like them too, but this one stands out head and shoulders above the rest.
Now I've managed to devise a dance for this song and I'm going to teach you all how it should be done, I made it up as I was walking down the street with this song on my MP3 player, and it was then that I realise that I'd cracked it, I was a dancing god!!! so here is what you do:
1 - Place left arm straight up in the air with your hand in a fist.
2 - Whilst hand is in the air, raise your right knee so you are balancing on one leg.
3 - During the intro, you nod your head.
4 - when it kicks in, you must put a huge grin on your face.
5 - then you hop to your right foot bringing your left knee up while at the same time, bringing your left arm down and sending your right arm up with your hand in a fist.
6 - Repeat all the way through the song.
I'm telling you, it's brilliant, and the most important bit is the grin, it must be genuine and if you do the dance moves right then the grin will be genuine, go try it.
I got a new tent this week which is cool, Argos have a half price sale on so I got a 4 man tent for £21:99, I needed a new one because my camping bed didn't fit in my old one, anyway, I put it up in my garden and I notice a big bloody rip in the groundsheet, which is bloody annoying so I had to take it back and replace it, I'll be fair to Argos here, they didn't ask any questions or fuck me about, which is what I expected, no, they changed it and I now have a tent with no holes in it, which I'm happy about, so well done Argos for your good customer service.
Last night was the Eurovision Song Contest and we had a dilemma, a BIG dilemma, because the boxing was on too, Ricky Hatton was on box office and we all wanted to watch that too, so we watched Eurovision until 9:45 and then Robin found an internet site that was streaming the fight, for free!! so as it happened, the night of Saturday 24th May, six lads sat in Robins front room, huddled round a laptop watching the boxing while also keeping an eye on the Eurovison voting results on a 42 inch screen!! Brilliant!!
I'd also like to mention that Greece were robbed and Russia won, which all comes down to the political voting bollocks again, I mean the Greeks should have won because they had this woman:

And I think you'll agree, she is gorgeous (I've stored a few images up in the old wank bank), although there was a lot of good looking birds performing and well done to them too, I am however considering writing a song and entering myself for next years Eurovison, who thinks I should do that?
Also Collywogs bloggy blog is doing well, have you noticed though, this blog here has a higher rating, which I think is strange.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I haven't seen your face round, since I was a kid, you're bringing back those memories of the things that we did
Good Morrow.
I think Sunday comes round way too fast, it only seems like yesterday I was struggling to do this blog, and here we are again, a blank screen and a blanker brain.
So this week Piers Morgan has been everywhere, I say Hoooooray!!!! I love the bloke, he's the only bloke on tv who makes any sense. I saw him recently on Question time and, well, he was great and if he was in government then I'd vote for him, I'm sure there are a few of you out there who hate him, that's fine, he'd probably hate you too, He's definitely like Marmite, you either love him or loathe him, as I can't stand Marmite, then my appreciation of Piers Morgan seems justified.
well, my mood has been up and down like a brides nightie recently, just thought I'd tell you that.
Jof's blog is coming on leaps and bounds, I think I might have a problem with my cookies because it says he hasn't updated since April, he's actually got lazy because he's got a girlfriend! yes a GIRLFRIEND how gay is that?
Collywogs Bloggy Blog is doing well although I need to write some more posts and put them in the bank for a later date as I'm running out, it's not that I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I can't be arsed to write any thing, I should really carry a Dictaphone around with me because I do most of my thinking while I'm out and about, which probably looks stupid as I always move my lips when I think, and as I have my music on in my ears, I've noticed that I do a strange kind of jig when I walk, like my body is trying to dance to the music but my sub conscious is fighting the urge to make a prat of myself in public, although I know I'll crack one day, probably in the middle of a busy street, throw my hands in the air, do a little kick and sing the chorus to the song I'm listening to as loud as I dare and then realise what I've done and be really embarrassed, in fact, I hope I'm with you when it happens!
I also managed to put a 'rate my blog' widget on C.B.B but it's a bit shit, I've had three ratings all giving it 10/10 and yet the chart gives it a 6.4% so I don't know what's going on there.
I've found out that a new food stuff that I'll be enjoying more of is cold baked beans and brown sauce, try it you might like it.
I was massively disappointed that Jof didn't win (or enter) the spot the song contest, in fact no fucker entered, leaving me with with the secret prize.
I think Sunday comes round way too fast, it only seems like yesterday I was struggling to do this blog, and here we are again, a blank screen and a blanker brain.
So this week Piers Morgan has been everywhere, I say Hoooooray!!!! I love the bloke, he's the only bloke on tv who makes any sense. I saw him recently on Question time and, well, he was great and if he was in government then I'd vote for him, I'm sure there are a few of you out there who hate him, that's fine, he'd probably hate you too, He's definitely like Marmite, you either love him or loathe him, as I can't stand Marmite, then my appreciation of Piers Morgan seems justified.
well, my mood has been up and down like a brides nightie recently, just thought I'd tell you that.
Jof's blog is coming on leaps and bounds, I think I might have a problem with my cookies because it says he hasn't updated since April, he's actually got lazy because he's got a girlfriend! yes a GIRLFRIEND how gay is that?
Collywogs Bloggy Blog is doing well although I need to write some more posts and put them in the bank for a later date as I'm running out, it's not that I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I can't be arsed to write any thing, I should really carry a Dictaphone around with me because I do most of my thinking while I'm out and about, which probably looks stupid as I always move my lips when I think, and as I have my music on in my ears, I've noticed that I do a strange kind of jig when I walk, like my body is trying to dance to the music but my sub conscious is fighting the urge to make a prat of myself in public, although I know I'll crack one day, probably in the middle of a busy street, throw my hands in the air, do a little kick and sing the chorus to the song I'm listening to as loud as I dare and then realise what I've done and be really embarrassed, in fact, I hope I'm with you when it happens!
I also managed to put a 'rate my blog' widget on C.B.B but it's a bit shit, I've had three ratings all giving it 10/10 and yet the chart gives it a 6.4% so I don't know what's going on there.
I've found out that a new food stuff that I'll be enjoying more of is cold baked beans and brown sauce, try it you might like it.
I was massively disappointed that Jof didn't win (or enter) the spot the song contest, in fact no fucker entered, leaving me with with the secret prize.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Stars in your eyes, little one, where do you go to dream, to a place we all know, the land of make believe.
Now then.
As per usual, I don't know what to put in this weeks blog, so I'll let you all know that I'm ill, poorly, sick, at deaths door.
I have had tummy pains for most of last week then on Friday I threw my guts up (mostly it was the dry heaves, but unpleasant all the same) then on Saturday, I ate my breakfast, (sausage, bacon and egg butty) and promptly threw that up too, then I didn't have an appetite all day but I had terrible stomach pains from hunger (or it could be P.M.T) so I didn't eat anything until I got to Robins in the evening and managed some pizza.
The same thing has happened this morning too, so I'm sticking to fluids at the moment, then I'm going to the doctors first thing, although if he suggests anything less than a stomach ulcer I'll be heavily disappointed, because I've convinced myself that's what it is.
Then again, whenever you are poorly people suddenly become doctors, they ask what's wrong with you and then tell you that there's a lot of it going about, which is really annoying, is there ever a time in England when there isn't a lot of it going about? that's why, when people who aren't doctors ask for my symptoms, I tell them that I have sand coming out of my eyes, and I keep laying eggs, that stumps them because there isn't a lot of that going about I can tell you!
Got some heavy shit going down here at the moment(along with my illness), so I've not been my usual chirpy self recently, I've tried my best but I'm stressed out to fuck with certain things, I just don't know what to do because I usually don't give a fuck, but this time I do, and there's nothing I can do.
Played against Lee on Mario Kart Wii last night, that was fun, isn't the internet clever! he's on the other side of the world and we are on this side of the world and I can still kick his ass at Mario Kart it's brilliant, what ever will they think of next? I bet it's something crazy like instant electronic mail or something even more wacky, I can't wait.
P.S - Time for name that tune again, so first person (I bet it will be Jof) to write down all the song titles and artist from my blog titles between today and June 16th 2007 will win fuck all and a handy bag to carry fuck all in.
As per usual, I don't know what to put in this weeks blog, so I'll let you all know that I'm ill, poorly, sick, at deaths door.
I have had tummy pains for most of last week then on Friday I threw my guts up (mostly it was the dry heaves, but unpleasant all the same) then on Saturday, I ate my breakfast, (sausage, bacon and egg butty) and promptly threw that up too, then I didn't have an appetite all day but I had terrible stomach pains from hunger (or it could be P.M.T) so I didn't eat anything until I got to Robins in the evening and managed some pizza.
The same thing has happened this morning too, so I'm sticking to fluids at the moment, then I'm going to the doctors first thing, although if he suggests anything less than a stomach ulcer I'll be heavily disappointed, because I've convinced myself that's what it is.
Then again, whenever you are poorly people suddenly become doctors, they ask what's wrong with you and then tell you that there's a lot of it going about, which is really annoying, is there ever a time in England when there isn't a lot of it going about? that's why, when people who aren't doctors ask for my symptoms, I tell them that I have sand coming out of my eyes, and I keep laying eggs, that stumps them because there isn't a lot of that going about I can tell you!
Got some heavy shit going down here at the moment(along with my illness), so I've not been my usual chirpy self recently, I've tried my best but I'm stressed out to fuck with certain things, I just don't know what to do because I usually don't give a fuck, but this time I do, and there's nothing I can do.
Played against Lee on Mario Kart Wii last night, that was fun, isn't the internet clever! he's on the other side of the world and we are on this side of the world and I can still kick his ass at Mario Kart it's brilliant, what ever will they think of next? I bet it's something crazy like instant electronic mail or something even more wacky, I can't wait.
P.S - Time for name that tune again, so first person (I bet it will be Jof) to write down all the song titles and artist from my blog titles between today and June 16th 2007 will win fuck all and a handy bag to carry fuck all in.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Every rose has its thorn, Just like every night has its dawn, Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song, Every rose has its thorn.
Hey peeps, just a quick one.
Sorry yesterdays blog was boring, tough shit, nobody left a comment because you are all 'too busy' so I've gone ahead and made the new blog without you.
Sorry yesterdays blog was boring, tough shit, nobody left a comment because you are all 'too busy' so I've gone ahead and made the new blog without you.
Unfortunately, the naming on the blog falls to Trelly, he came up with Collywogs Bloggy Wog And I rather liked it, we have to be honest, my ideas were hardly inspired. Anyway, I took Trellys idea and have created Collywogs Bloggy Blog Which I hope you will enjoy and maybe even crack a smile, or heaven forbid, you might laugh out loud, but it's entirely up to you.
Anyway, check it out, if you like it then let me know, if you hate it then fuck off.
Anyway, check it out, if you like it then let me know, if you hate it then fuck off.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, Who do boys like they're girls, who do girls like they're boys.
Ey up
Right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I've changed my mind again, this blog has caused me so many sleepless nights it's getting annoying, so, here is the plan, Woggzeh's blog is staying the same as it has been for the past two years (boring and dull and weekly) however, I am currently working on a new blog that will have my cynical look at things and rants, like the post I did last week, I originally decided to make it a daily, but I've plumped for making it thrice ( I think that means three times?) weekly so it'll be updated on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday, I'm still struggling to find a good name for the blog, I want it to be "Collywog...something" but really can't decide what, a few ideas that I've had are :
Collywog Opines
It's Collywog
Collywogs corner
Collywogs thrice weekly
Or maybe you can come up with something? I've also got a few posts ready to post, so I'm not snowed under, I'm prepared this time around, although I'm not sure which one I should post first so you decide, the one with the most votes will be posted first, here are the available titles so far:
John Doe
Joke Telling
Making Appointments
Lazy remaking Of Songs
Swear Words
Safari Parks
Carry On Films
so as you can see, I have three weeks of material there, which is more than I actually thought I had, I'm also planning on printing out each blog (or getting someone else to print it for me) and eventually I will have the book that I've always craved to write.
Been a bit down this week, got the weight of the world on my shoulders at the moment, and the shit doesn't stop coming, (work and money being the main problems) to say I'm down would be an understatement, but you know me, I'll be back soon enough, got plenty of cool stuff to keep my mind occupied, like the new series of Peep Show, woop woop.
Well I'm not really in a mood to write any more (yes, I wrote most of this blog the other day, this paragraph is the Sunday bit) So I don't know when I'll launch the new blog, but I'll let you all know in due course, (probably be Monday or Wednesday or Friday) still don't have a decent name for it. It's the Bilton Gala tomorrow, so that'll be fun to miss, it's always been rubbish, I don't know why I used to go every year, oh yes I do, my mum dragged me there!
Anyway, have a good un, I'll look forward to your feedback.
Right, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I've changed my mind again, this blog has caused me so many sleepless nights it's getting annoying, so, here is the plan, Woggzeh's blog is staying the same as it has been for the past two years (boring and dull and weekly) however, I am currently working on a new blog that will have my cynical look at things and rants, like the post I did last week, I originally decided to make it a daily, but I've plumped for making it thrice ( I think that means three times?) weekly so it'll be updated on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday, I'm still struggling to find a good name for the blog, I want it to be "Collywog...something" but really can't decide what, a few ideas that I've had are :
Collywog Opines
It's Collywog
Collywogs corner
Collywogs thrice weekly
Or maybe you can come up with something? I've also got a few posts ready to post, so I'm not snowed under, I'm prepared this time around, although I'm not sure which one I should post first so you decide, the one with the most votes will be posted first, here are the available titles so far:
John Doe
Joke Telling
Making Appointments
Lazy remaking Of Songs
Swear Words
Safari Parks
Carry On Films
so as you can see, I have three weeks of material there, which is more than I actually thought I had, I'm also planning on printing out each blog (or getting someone else to print it for me) and eventually I will have the book that I've always craved to write.
Been a bit down this week, got the weight of the world on my shoulders at the moment, and the shit doesn't stop coming, (work and money being the main problems) to say I'm down would be an understatement, but you know me, I'll be back soon enough, got plenty of cool stuff to keep my mind occupied, like the new series of Peep Show, woop woop.
Well I'm not really in a mood to write any more (yes, I wrote most of this blog the other day, this paragraph is the Sunday bit) So I don't know when I'll launch the new blog, but I'll let you all know in due course, (probably be Monday or Wednesday or Friday) still don't have a decent name for it. It's the Bilton Gala tomorrow, so that'll be fun to miss, it's always been rubbish, I don't know why I used to go every year, oh yes I do, my mum dragged me there!
Anyway, have a good un, I'll look forward to your feedback.