Saturday, March 29, 2008
I feel the rain falling on my face, I can say there is no better place, Than standing up in the falling down, In so much rain I could almost drown.
Au revoir mon petit pois!
I'm practising French, I can't believe how much I forgot, but it's all flooding back to me now, but that's enough of that as all you need to know in French is 'which way to England?' And if you say anything loud enough in France you usually get what you want anyway.
So I'm at a bit of a loss this weekend because everyone has gone down to Wales for little Ben and Claire's wedding, I didn't go due to reasons I'm not telling you, so fuck off you nosey bastard, But I wish them all the best for their future.
So I've had nowt to do this weekend, Friday night was getting tedious, I had done everything there was to do, check emails, check facebook, look at porn, check facebook, read the news, check facebook, had a wank, checked facebook, so at about 7:30 with only my hand support for conversation, (Can't remember if I told you but I've sprained my thumb and it's not getting better) I phoned Matt to see what he was doing and if he wanted to go out, (I didn't tell him that his options were limited to 'yeah alright')
So we went to town, the rat and parrot was pretty busy but was a bit dull, I don't know why, I blame the company I was with, haha! then we decided to go to Yates' so we walked down the hill to find that it was shut! I don't know why it was shut, probably Matt's fault, so I decided on Monteys I got a Grolsch (I even got to open it myself, which is better than when Kristy worked there, I'm sure she opened my beer to piss me off) then sat down with Matt who spotted a friend and buggered off and chatted to him for the duration of my beer, so that was fun, luckily Monteys always plays cool music to listen to and there was some talent to keep my eye on, we left there (kissing McParty on the way out) and went to spoonies, I really don't get that place, it's cheap which is nice but has as much life in it as a dead cat; at least with a dead cat you can scare girls with it, Spoonies is just dull, they need music, although Matt had a great idea of transforming it into a cool rave venue.
We decided to go back up the hill to Native State, but that was shut too!! Matt's fault again I guess.
So we decided to go to Crabtrees, I've not been there in ages, and nothing has changed, the bar staff are the same and they recognised me too even though I was wearing my comedy beard, the beer in there is really good for some reason, trashy pub/good beer. I saw Donna and Kate and chatted with them, Donna is now a mum and Kate is still 'lost' you have to tell her things twice before they sink in and for someone like me who (without blowing my own trumpet) thinks fast, talks fast and moves on, this can be frustrating but she's quite hot so I'll forgive her, then we went to banyan (dear god) pretentious fucks with pretentious hair and pretentious clothes, with their pretentious friends drinking their pretentious drinks packed into a pretentious pub all being wankers, at least you know where they all are on a Friday night though! Then went back to the rat and parrot and met Kate and Donna again, so we sat and had a few drinks with them, then they suggested we go with them to Flares, which I wasn't too fussed about but Matt (a bit drunk) thought it was the best idea in the world, so we went with them, only to get refused for wearing trainers, so the girls went to the taxi rank where they know people and changed their shoes and got in, I tried to get in again and would have done but Matt was stopped again, So he started being a bit cheeky to the bouncers, I explained that my shoes were orthopaedic and he was a bit sympathetic and told me to bring a doctors note next time, he said he wouldn't let Matt in because of his trainers and I told them that his shoes were orthopaedic too and we were on a therapy night out, needless to say this resulted in us walking home.
Tonight (Saturday) has been a bit boring, Villa got stuffed by Man Utd and I have got a bottle of Jack Daniels but no coke and it's raining so I'm not going out. So I've settled for drinking tea.
I've been reading loads of cool stuff on the net whilst listening to music, music I can remember listening to thus far:
Earth Angel - version from back to the future
Somewhere near Japan - Beach Boys
Girl - Beatles
In my life - Beatles
best of me,- Bryan adams
hearts on fire - John cafferty
thorn in my side - eurythmics
she's a star - James
The world you love- Jimmy Eat World
sun and the rain - madness
monday morning 5:19 - Rialto
they might be giants - birdhouse in your soul
Zoom - fat larrys band
everybodys talkin'- Harry Nilsson
faces in a dream - Hurricane #1
the more you ignore me - Morrissey
Nothing compares 2 U - Sinead o' Connor
Up the junction - squeeze
There are more but I can't be arsed to look at my played list.
I read that James have got a new album out on April 7th called 'Hey Ma' So I'm quite looking forward to that, obviously I'll be buying a copy and not illegally downloading it.
Oh god, 'all time high' by Rita Coolidge has just started playing, it's the theme from Octopussy, I don't remember clicking it, but it's actually a nice song.
So I don't know what tomorrow has planned for me, I might wake up dead for all I know.
Sorry that this blog has been a bit, meh, this week but I've been blogging all week, my writers have gone on strike so I've had to write it all myself.
I got a comment on my last blog from a 'female' that says 'hi, x' which I though was cool then realised that it was from Jof (probably) nice try and thanks for trying. I kind of hoped it was from a real girl I like called, actually I won't say her name! I wish Louise Wener from Sleeper would get back in touch with me, she rocks my socks, lol.
Right I think that'll do for now, it's 22:15 on a Saturday night, I've drained my dregs of tea and I can't be arsed writing any more. Gonna go check facebook and see who owns me now, I keep buying people and then they don't do anything, what's the point?
Have a great Sunday, Speak to you all soon.
Don't forget that Tuesday is April fools day, I'm going to Australia for two weeks, but don't tell Lee as it's a surprise.
I'm practising French, I can't believe how much I forgot, but it's all flooding back to me now, but that's enough of that as all you need to know in French is 'which way to England?' And if you say anything loud enough in France you usually get what you want anyway.
So I'm at a bit of a loss this weekend because everyone has gone down to Wales for little Ben and Claire's wedding, I didn't go due to reasons I'm not telling you, so fuck off you nosey bastard, But I wish them all the best for their future.
So I've had nowt to do this weekend, Friday night was getting tedious, I had done everything there was to do, check emails, check facebook, look at porn, check facebook, read the news, check facebook, had a wank, checked facebook, so at about 7:30 with only my hand support for conversation, (Can't remember if I told you but I've sprained my thumb and it's not getting better) I phoned Matt to see what he was doing and if he wanted to go out, (I didn't tell him that his options were limited to 'yeah alright')
So we went to town, the rat and parrot was pretty busy but was a bit dull, I don't know why, I blame the company I was with, haha! then we decided to go to Yates' so we walked down the hill to find that it was shut! I don't know why it was shut, probably Matt's fault, so I decided on Monteys I got a Grolsch (I even got to open it myself, which is better than when Kristy worked there, I'm sure she opened my beer to piss me off) then sat down with Matt who spotted a friend and buggered off and chatted to him for the duration of my beer, so that was fun, luckily Monteys always plays cool music to listen to and there was some talent to keep my eye on, we left there (kissing McParty on the way out) and went to spoonies, I really don't get that place, it's cheap which is nice but has as much life in it as a dead cat; at least with a dead cat you can scare girls with it, Spoonies is just dull, they need music, although Matt had a great idea of transforming it into a cool rave venue.
We decided to go back up the hill to Native State, but that was shut too!! Matt's fault again I guess.
So we decided to go to Crabtrees, I've not been there in ages, and nothing has changed, the bar staff are the same and they recognised me too even though I was wearing my comedy beard, the beer in there is really good for some reason, trashy pub/good beer. I saw Donna and Kate and chatted with them, Donna is now a mum and Kate is still 'lost' you have to tell her things twice before they sink in and for someone like me who (without blowing my own trumpet) thinks fast, talks fast and moves on, this can be frustrating but she's quite hot so I'll forgive her, then we went to banyan (dear god) pretentious fucks with pretentious hair and pretentious clothes, with their pretentious friends drinking their pretentious drinks packed into a pretentious pub all being wankers, at least you know where they all are on a Friday night though! Then went back to the rat and parrot and met Kate and Donna again, so we sat and had a few drinks with them, then they suggested we go with them to Flares, which I wasn't too fussed about but Matt (a bit drunk) thought it was the best idea in the world, so we went with them, only to get refused for wearing trainers, so the girls went to the taxi rank where they know people and changed their shoes and got in, I tried to get in again and would have done but Matt was stopped again, So he started being a bit cheeky to the bouncers, I explained that my shoes were orthopaedic and he was a bit sympathetic and told me to bring a doctors note next time, he said he wouldn't let Matt in because of his trainers and I told them that his shoes were orthopaedic too and we were on a therapy night out, needless to say this resulted in us walking home.
Tonight (Saturday) has been a bit boring, Villa got stuffed by Man Utd and I have got a bottle of Jack Daniels but no coke and it's raining so I'm not going out. So I've settled for drinking tea.
I've been reading loads of cool stuff on the net whilst listening to music, music I can remember listening to thus far:
Earth Angel - version from back to the future
Somewhere near Japan - Beach Boys
Girl - Beatles
In my life - Beatles
best of me,- Bryan adams
hearts on fire - John cafferty
thorn in my side - eurythmics
she's a star - James
The world you love- Jimmy Eat World
sun and the rain - madness
monday morning 5:19 - Rialto
they might be giants - birdhouse in your soul
Zoom - fat larrys band
everybodys talkin'- Harry Nilsson
faces in a dream - Hurricane #1
the more you ignore me - Morrissey
Nothing compares 2 U - Sinead o' Connor
Up the junction - squeeze
There are more but I can't be arsed to look at my played list.
I read that James have got a new album out on April 7th called 'Hey Ma' So I'm quite looking forward to that, obviously I'll be buying a copy and not illegally downloading it.
Oh god, 'all time high' by Rita Coolidge has just started playing, it's the theme from Octopussy, I don't remember clicking it, but it's actually a nice song.
So I don't know what tomorrow has planned for me, I might wake up dead for all I know.
Sorry that this blog has been a bit, meh, this week but I've been blogging all week, my writers have gone on strike so I've had to write it all myself.
I got a comment on my last blog from a 'female' that says 'hi, x' which I though was cool then realised that it was from Jof (probably) nice try and thanks for trying. I kind of hoped it was from a real girl I like called, actually I won't say her name! I wish Louise Wener from Sleeper would get back in touch with me, she rocks my socks, lol.
Right I think that'll do for now, it's 22:15 on a Saturday night, I've drained my dregs of tea and I can't be arsed writing any more. Gonna go check facebook and see who owns me now, I keep buying people and then they don't do anything, what's the point?
Have a great Sunday, Speak to you all soon.
Don't forget that Tuesday is April fools day, I'm going to Australia for two weeks, but don't tell Lee as it's a surprise.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
And he's making wine from water, While he dresses like his daughter, And we know that he's a rip off, 'Cos we've seen him with his kit off.
Wotcha, just been doing a lot of thinking today.
I've noticed recently that my blogs have become a lot less spiteful and sweary, admittedly, I cut the swearing down a bit because Lee couldn't access Woggzeh's World at college due to a ban on swear words, but I think it's mainly because of girls.
I now know that more girls than boys admit to reading my blog and I think subconsciously I don't want them to know what a vicious little spiteful cunt I really can be, I'd rather them think I'm funny and cool more funny to be honest; besides, you never know, one of the girls might be single, might have a mate who's single, might just want a shag and all that girls seem to look for in a man, is one who can make them laugh anyway! (this fact is bollocks) just try this test: Single girl walks into the pub, and stood at the bar is Johnny Depp (not renowned for his sense of humour) he's got a pint and he's talking to Ken Dodd, now which one are you gonna take home??
"laugh em into bed" is a sentence that gets branded around way too much too, I generally get laughed at IN bed, "Is that it? where's the rest of it, What do you mean it's erect already?" you know, all these things that a man has to go through, just because you like a man who makes you laugh, like when you're in bed with a bird you get all excited and you do what you do, then you hear the dreaded words, 'Is it in yet?' and you almost cry with self pity before putting on the manly voice and say these words, "Is it in yet?? I'm fuckin' done!" Then you roll over and gently cry yourself to sleep, wishing that you'd knocked one out earlier so you could last all of 60 seconds, (personal record).
What I'm asking is, honestly, how much does humour have to do with you choosing a man?
I personally think it has more to do with what they look like for your own bragging rights, so your mates say, 'phwoor', rather than (my category), 'yeah, he's funny/cool/nice' (Is it actually true that women care more about what their friends think about them rather than being happy themselves?)
If anyone has an answer then fucking send it in, because I can't be arsed going to a gym, besides it would probably be dangerous for me (not because of a heart attack, just my little man syndrome would get me in trouble), and if I was at the gym all the time, I'd never get time to write this fucking blog so you can have a laugh, And there we are, "you like me 'cos I'm funny"
Just to clear things up, I'm not in a bad mood or trying to be nasty to all you lovely ladies (single and not single) I'm just bored.
P.S If you fancy a date/drink/ride, or all three, then leave me a message. :-) (females only)
I've noticed recently that my blogs have become a lot less spiteful and sweary, admittedly, I cut the swearing down a bit because Lee couldn't access Woggzeh's World at college due to a ban on swear words, but I think it's mainly because of girls.
I now know that more girls than boys admit to reading my blog and I think subconsciously I don't want them to know what a vicious little spiteful cunt I really can be, I'd rather them think I'm funny and cool more funny to be honest; besides, you never know, one of the girls might be single, might have a mate who's single, might just want a shag and all that girls seem to look for in a man, is one who can make them laugh anyway! (this fact is bollocks) just try this test: Single girl walks into the pub, and stood at the bar is Johnny Depp (not renowned for his sense of humour) he's got a pint and he's talking to Ken Dodd, now which one are you gonna take home??
"laugh em into bed" is a sentence that gets branded around way too much too, I generally get laughed at IN bed, "Is that it? where's the rest of it, What do you mean it's erect already?" you know, all these things that a man has to go through, just because you like a man who makes you laugh, like when you're in bed with a bird you get all excited and you do what you do, then you hear the dreaded words, 'Is it in yet?' and you almost cry with self pity before putting on the manly voice and say these words, "Is it in yet?? I'm fuckin' done!" Then you roll over and gently cry yourself to sleep, wishing that you'd knocked one out earlier so you could last all of 60 seconds, (personal record).
What I'm asking is, honestly, how much does humour have to do with you choosing a man?
I personally think it has more to do with what they look like for your own bragging rights, so your mates say, 'phwoor', rather than (my category), 'yeah, he's funny/cool/nice' (Is it actually true that women care more about what their friends think about them rather than being happy themselves?)
If anyone has an answer then fucking send it in, because I can't be arsed going to a gym, besides it would probably be dangerous for me (not because of a heart attack, just my little man syndrome would get me in trouble), and if I was at the gym all the time, I'd never get time to write this fucking blog so you can have a laugh, And there we are, "you like me 'cos I'm funny"
Just to clear things up, I'm not in a bad mood or trying to be nasty to all you lovely ladies (single and not single) I'm just bored.
P.S If you fancy a date/drink/ride, or all three, then leave me a message. :-) (females only)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I never thought it would happen, With me and the girl from Clapham, Out on a windy common, that night I aint forgotten.
So what the fuck was Easter all about?
I'm not talking about the religious bollocks that we get rammed down our throats, I'm talking about what does it all amount to nowadays?
I've just had my first day back and as it's the 'Easter holidays' some people aren't back until next week, those who were there, looked as miserable as the weather and all asked the same thing, "now then, did you have a good Easter?" And just to be polite I say, "yeah".
But that's all it has become now, It's not some religious smite campaign any more, it's just an excuse for a few days off work, days which seem to be over before you can blink and are suddenly back at work and the days have become twice as long and you are suddenly more tired than ever before, days off work are a pain in the arse, well, it's not the days off that are a pain in the arse, it's the 'returning to work' bit that is the problem.
Did anybody do anything special over Easter? No!! Well What are you supposed to do apart from drink?
I didn't even realise until Thursday night that it was 'Monday/Thursday' Which I think is an accolade to the four worst days of the working week and you have to pronounce it like you are Jamaican!
Then there is Good Friday, Which I think is an accolade to the worst day in Jesus' life, where the bad guys got the good guy and kicked him senseless and then pegged him to a cross, Where he moaned a bucket about forgiveness, 'forgive them father, for they know not what they have done' (clearly delusional, because they knew full well what they had done, they had just crucified a nut job who talks to himself and says he was talking to God when questioned about his more and more apparent deterioration of his mental health).
Then you have Easter Saturday, Which I think is an accolade to The Worst result in Aston Villa's season (losing 1-0 to Sunderland, AT HOME!!)
Then you have Easter Sunday, which I think is an accolade to the worse gift you can give someone, a chocolate egg, a foodstuff that gives me migraines! And to top it all, they are overpriced, I think Jesus did something clever on Easter Sunday too, but it's inconsequential now as we have moved on 2000 odd years since he fucked about with history.
Then there is Easter Monday, which I think is an accolade to the worst hangover you can have over the Easter weekend.
Everyone (except me) is back to work on the Tuesday, which isn't called Easter Tuesday, it's 'fuck me, the long weekend went quick Tuesday' and you see the same old faces and do the same old things, and ask the same old question, "did you have a nice Easter?" Because you want people to think you care.
I'm not talking about the religious bollocks that we get rammed down our throats, I'm talking about what does it all amount to nowadays?
I've just had my first day back and as it's the 'Easter holidays' some people aren't back until next week, those who were there, looked as miserable as the weather and all asked the same thing, "now then, did you have a good Easter?" And just to be polite I say, "yeah".
But that's all it has become now, It's not some religious smite campaign any more, it's just an excuse for a few days off work, days which seem to be over before you can blink and are suddenly back at work and the days have become twice as long and you are suddenly more tired than ever before, days off work are a pain in the arse, well, it's not the days off that are a pain in the arse, it's the 'returning to work' bit that is the problem.
Did anybody do anything special over Easter? No!! Well What are you supposed to do apart from drink?
I didn't even realise until Thursday night that it was 'Monday/Thursday' Which I think is an accolade to the four worst days of the working week and you have to pronounce it like you are Jamaican!
Then there is Good Friday, Which I think is an accolade to the worst day in Jesus' life, where the bad guys got the good guy and kicked him senseless and then pegged him to a cross, Where he moaned a bucket about forgiveness, 'forgive them father, for they know not what they have done' (clearly delusional, because they knew full well what they had done, they had just crucified a nut job who talks to himself and says he was talking to God when questioned about his more and more apparent deterioration of his mental health).
Then you have Easter Saturday, Which I think is an accolade to The Worst result in Aston Villa's season (losing 1-0 to Sunderland, AT HOME!!)
Then you have Easter Sunday, which I think is an accolade to the worse gift you can give someone, a chocolate egg, a foodstuff that gives me migraines! And to top it all, they are overpriced, I think Jesus did something clever on Easter Sunday too, but it's inconsequential now as we have moved on 2000 odd years since he fucked about with history.
Then there is Easter Monday, which I think is an accolade to the worst hangover you can have over the Easter weekend.
Everyone (except me) is back to work on the Tuesday, which isn't called Easter Tuesday, it's 'fuck me, the long weekend went quick Tuesday' and you see the same old faces and do the same old things, and ask the same old question, "did you have a nice Easter?" Because you want people to think you care.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Just for tonight, Just maybe we'll make it, Sing like you want this, Sing like you want this.
Currently listening to Ravels "Bolero" Can't really use the lyrics from that as this weeks title, so I've chosen a band that are everywhere at the minute, A band that Bullough probably hates, but fuck him.
Well, I wasn't sure if I should bother doing an update this week/anymore as Sir Jof has blown all competition out of the water with his recent blog update, It's simply perfect, well written and the subject that he's written about is just perfect too, I bow down to you Sir Joffrey, Now keep it up! I would love to write about how I first met Jof, but it would be pretty similar to his blog but not half as good, in fact it would go like this, 'One day, Jof wasn't in my life, then the next day he was' and the sad thing is that I would write that about everyone I know, I don't know when I first met Trelly, or Chris or Bull or any other fucker who I know, I just know you and you are better for it!
So what have I got to say for myself this week? sweet F.A. as usual.
I have done a public information film on being cool, Trelly filmed it and uploaded it onto Facebook, you can check it if you go here: How to be cool
If it doesn't work then fuck it, you'll never be cool anyway.
I suppose I should wish you all a Happy Easter as today is Easter, just in case any of you were wondering why you have lots of chocolate eggs around your person. Unless you are Kristy who bought 500 Easter eggs a couple of months ago when they were on offer at Asda and promptly ate them all!!
There was loads of Police action around Trelly's gaff this week, the Police were doing something at a house for 8 hours on Wednesday, took away a couple of cars on a truck and emptied a house and there were loads of cops about and a really fucking hot one who parked her car right outside Trelly's window, Then last night there were two police cars that had got a group of kids, it was about midnight so I'm guessing they were around ten years old, they didn't get arrested or out but when they were released they just laughed an giggled like it was cool, When I was 10 years old, I would have been crying with fear if the Police stopped me, The only way I would laugh and giggle like them would be if someone mentioned the word, 'fart' and if someone actually farted, then hold me down because I would giggle uncontrollably until milk came out of my nose, even if I hadn't been drinking milk!
Once again I am at pains to try and fill up a decent blog, do you think I should stop doing a weekly update and go back to updating when I can be arsed, or do you sleep better at night knowing that there will be an update every Sunday for you to read?
That'll do for now, apart from telling Lee to stop smoking! who do you think you are?
Well, I wasn't sure if I should bother doing an update this week/anymore as Sir Jof has blown all competition out of the water with his recent blog update, It's simply perfect, well written and the subject that he's written about is just perfect too, I bow down to you Sir Joffrey, Now keep it up! I would love to write about how I first met Jof, but it would be pretty similar to his blog but not half as good, in fact it would go like this, 'One day, Jof wasn't in my life, then the next day he was' and the sad thing is that I would write that about everyone I know, I don't know when I first met Trelly, or Chris or Bull or any other fucker who I know, I just know you and you are better for it!
So what have I got to say for myself this week? sweet F.A. as usual.
I have done a public information film on being cool, Trelly filmed it and uploaded it onto Facebook, you can check it if you go here: How to be cool
If it doesn't work then fuck it, you'll never be cool anyway.
I suppose I should wish you all a Happy Easter as today is Easter, just in case any of you were wondering why you have lots of chocolate eggs around your person. Unless you are Kristy who bought 500 Easter eggs a couple of months ago when they were on offer at Asda and promptly ate them all!!
There was loads of Police action around Trelly's gaff this week, the Police were doing something at a house for 8 hours on Wednesday, took away a couple of cars on a truck and emptied a house and there were loads of cops about and a really fucking hot one who parked her car right outside Trelly's window, Then last night there were two police cars that had got a group of kids, it was about midnight so I'm guessing they were around ten years old, they didn't get arrested or out but when they were released they just laughed an giggled like it was cool, When I was 10 years old, I would have been crying with fear if the Police stopped me, The only way I would laugh and giggle like them would be if someone mentioned the word, 'fart' and if someone actually farted, then hold me down because I would giggle uncontrollably until milk came out of my nose, even if I hadn't been drinking milk!
Once again I am at pains to try and fill up a decent blog, do you think I should stop doing a weekly update and go back to updating when I can be arsed, or do you sleep better at night knowing that there will be an update every Sunday for you to read?
That'll do for now, apart from telling Lee to stop smoking! who do you think you are?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Day man, Fighter of the Night man, Champion of the sun, You’re a master of karate and friendship…for everyone.
Good day to you all.
First of all, watch this:
That is a clip from, possibly the funniest show on television, it's called, "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" that particular episode is from a season 3 episode called 'Sweet Dee dates a retarded person'
Really you have to watch it sometime, download it, steal it from the shops or anything, join in the laughter and you'll be a happier person for it.
What to say? what to do?
Sports relief weekend this weekend and I did my bit by watching Top Ground Gear Force (BBC2 Friday) that was hilarious, did you watch it? I'd like to say well done to Kristy, she did a mile run today, I didn't sponsor her, not that it would matter as I only ever sponsor 1p a mile, but regardless of that, she did something for charity and no one else I know did! so well done lass!
This week has been productive, Paul, Trelly and myself have come up with a great idea for a website, (It was mostly my idea, but Trelly came up with the name, Paul added the enthusiasm that Trelly or myself don't possess.) the idea is a website, that covers the UK (to start with) and blokes write a profile of their ex girlfriends, what she's like, what's annoying about her, how much will she take you for, etc etc and then, when another mis-fortunate guy meets her in the pub and arranges a date, he can check the website and find out if she's worth the £9.99 meal for two offer. The name Trelly came out with was, "Is she"
The best bit is, you have to sign up and pay to read the profiles, also you can do it the other way too, so the women write profiles about their ex boyfriends, thus doubling our revenue, I have suggested that we get Lee to write most of the profiles as he has been out with most of the women in Harrogate, (most of the men too) Anyway, it's still in our heads as a good idea but no one can be arsed to make it happen, what do you think about the idea?, and no nicking it!!
I phoned Lee last night (£40 a minute to ring him b.t.w) I don't know what I said as I was pissed and had some Wacky baccy too, then I rang up Sir Jof of Reading to see what he was up to, in retrospect it was a bit silly of me as it was about 3am, but he was awake and walking home in the rain, note to anyone here, if you make a phone call at 3am, always start the conversation with, 'Hey mate, I hope I didn't wake you' this way they will think you are very courteous and totally forget that if you had an ounce of courtesy in your body then you wouldn't be phoning them up at 3am, but, as I said, he was awake and he appreciated me ringing as I gave him commentary of my walk home so he could reminisce about the days he used to live in Harrogate, he does miss the place, people, even if you all hate it, Sir Jof loves it, like me.
Anyway, I think I've said enough for this week, Don't forget to check out, It's always sunny... I promise you will love it.
P.s H.M.V have an awesome sale on at the moment, I got Superman Returns 2 disc dvd for £3!
First of all, watch this:
That is a clip from, possibly the funniest show on television, it's called, "It's always sunny in Philadelphia" that particular episode is from a season 3 episode called 'Sweet Dee dates a retarded person'
Really you have to watch it sometime, download it, steal it from the shops or anything, join in the laughter and you'll be a happier person for it.
What to say? what to do?
Sports relief weekend this weekend and I did my bit by watching Top Ground Gear Force (BBC2 Friday) that was hilarious, did you watch it? I'd like to say well done to Kristy, she did a mile run today, I didn't sponsor her, not that it would matter as I only ever sponsor 1p a mile, but regardless of that, she did something for charity and no one else I know did! so well done lass!
This week has been productive, Paul, Trelly and myself have come up with a great idea for a website, (It was mostly my idea, but Trelly came up with the name, Paul added the enthusiasm that Trelly or myself don't possess.) the idea is a website, that covers the UK (to start with) and blokes write a profile of their ex girlfriends, what she's like, what's annoying about her, how much will she take you for, etc etc and then, when another mis-fortunate guy meets her in the pub and arranges a date, he can check the website and find out if she's worth the £9.99 meal for two offer. The name Trelly came out with was, "Is she"
The best bit is, you have to sign up and pay to read the profiles, also you can do it the other way too, so the women write profiles about their ex boyfriends, thus doubling our revenue, I have suggested that we get Lee to write most of the profiles as he has been out with most of the women in Harrogate, (most of the men too) Anyway, it's still in our heads as a good idea but no one can be arsed to make it happen, what do you think about the idea?, and no nicking it!!
I phoned Lee last night (£40 a minute to ring him b.t.w) I don't know what I said as I was pissed and had some Wacky baccy too, then I rang up Sir Jof of Reading to see what he was up to, in retrospect it was a bit silly of me as it was about 3am, but he was awake and walking home in the rain, note to anyone here, if you make a phone call at 3am, always start the conversation with, 'Hey mate, I hope I didn't wake you' this way they will think you are very courteous and totally forget that if you had an ounce of courtesy in your body then you wouldn't be phoning them up at 3am, but, as I said, he was awake and he appreciated me ringing as I gave him commentary of my walk home so he could reminisce about the days he used to live in Harrogate, he does miss the place, people, even if you all hate it, Sir Jof loves it, like me.
Anyway, I think I've said enough for this week, Don't forget to check out, It's always sunny... I promise you will love it.
P.s H.M.V have an awesome sale on at the moment, I got Superman Returns 2 disc dvd for £3!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
To you I guess I'm just a clown, Who picks you up each time you're down, Oh baby.
Now then now then then now now then.
How are you all? I wish I had written this blog on Friday because I had loads of things planned to write about and now it's Sunday and the effects of copious amounts of alcohol means that I've got fuck all to say.
I'd like to say hello to Janine, who admitted to reading my blog and even went as far as saying that it's funny and witty, (clearly she is mad) but, regardless, I thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy my ramblings.
It's a big week for couples this week, (after Valentines day, which is for women) this Friday is the men's day, yes, Friday the fourteenth of March is "Steak and a Blow job day" I've made it a link so you can check it out. If you are a couple then it's pretty obvious what is expected of you, if you are single then things are a bit more difficult, however, I have come up with an idea, sometime this week, go up to a girl you quite like (or one with cracking knockers) and invite her for a steak dinner on Friday, don't spoil the surprise now though, keep the BJ bit under your hat for now, because I suggest you tell her that part of the bargain during the meal, Imagine the look of joy on her face, (you old romantic you!) make sure you finish your meal before you let your lady go to work, (do NOT assume to pose of one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your ladies head) it will be a fantastic evening and you know the best part? because it's your day, you can ask for another one straight after! it might cost you another steak but I think it's a small price to pay, (if you are a couple, the female should pay for the steak!)
Good luck everybody.
It's Bullough's birthday on Monday he'll be 28, so I wish you many happy returns, I saw him last night because he came to Harrogate with his missus and we went to Robins to play on his Wii which was fucking ace, I played tennis and was brilliant at it, although it's the most strenuous work out I've done in years, Hannah made loads of food and a really impressive cake of a monkeys head, I didn't eat any because I'm not a fan of cake unless it's space cake, we also watched Rambo that Bradders had brought round, I went back to Trelly's at 2am to watch the boxing, which didn't start until 2:20am and was over in the second round! I went home at around 3am drunk! I was gonna phone Joffers but decided against it, I don't think I phoned anyone, but if I did, then whoops, sorry.
I also feel like I have been aiming this blog towards the ladies over the last month, I put two pictures of me on here so now it's time to re address the balance, I am posting a picture of my new obsession, (I say new, I've been in love with this girl for years) her name is Alexandra Sim-Wise (if anyone wants her picture sets then let me know) and if you look to my list of links you can go to her Myspace page and add her as a friend, I suggest you read her blog too because she is funny as fuck!

Well I shall bid you farewell for this week, good luck on Friday lads.
How are you all? I wish I had written this blog on Friday because I had loads of things planned to write about and now it's Sunday and the effects of copious amounts of alcohol means that I've got fuck all to say.
I'd like to say hello to Janine, who admitted to reading my blog and even went as far as saying that it's funny and witty, (clearly she is mad) but, regardless, I thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy my ramblings.
It's a big week for couples this week, (after Valentines day, which is for women) this Friday is the men's day, yes, Friday the fourteenth of March is "Steak and a Blow job day" I've made it a link so you can check it out. If you are a couple then it's pretty obvious what is expected of you, if you are single then things are a bit more difficult, however, I have come up with an idea, sometime this week, go up to a girl you quite like (or one with cracking knockers) and invite her for a steak dinner on Friday, don't spoil the surprise now though, keep the BJ bit under your hat for now, because I suggest you tell her that part of the bargain during the meal, Imagine the look of joy on her face, (you old romantic you!) make sure you finish your meal before you let your lady go to work, (do NOT assume to pose of one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your ladies head) it will be a fantastic evening and you know the best part? because it's your day, you can ask for another one straight after! it might cost you another steak but I think it's a small price to pay, (if you are a couple, the female should pay for the steak!)
Good luck everybody.
It's Bullough's birthday on Monday he'll be 28, so I wish you many happy returns, I saw him last night because he came to Harrogate with his missus and we went to Robins to play on his Wii which was fucking ace, I played tennis and was brilliant at it, although it's the most strenuous work out I've done in years, Hannah made loads of food and a really impressive cake of a monkeys head, I didn't eat any because I'm not a fan of cake unless it's space cake, we also watched Rambo that Bradders had brought round, I went back to Trelly's at 2am to watch the boxing, which didn't start until 2:20am and was over in the second round! I went home at around 3am drunk! I was gonna phone Joffers but decided against it, I don't think I phoned anyone, but if I did, then whoops, sorry.
I also feel like I have been aiming this blog towards the ladies over the last month, I put two pictures of me on here so now it's time to re address the balance, I am posting a picture of my new obsession, (I say new, I've been in love with this girl for years) her name is Alexandra Sim-Wise (if anyone wants her picture sets then let me know) and if you look to my list of links you can go to her Myspace page and add her as a friend, I suggest you read her blog too because she is funny as fuck!
Well I shall bid you farewell for this week, good luck on Friday lads.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day, I wanna rock and roll all nite and party every day,
Good afternoon shit stains.
I really must stop playing guitar hero! it's a great game and I'm rubbish at it I've only managed to do one song on the medium setting, which means I am pants at it, If there are any beginners out there, then I suggest you try "Schools Out" or "Rock and Roll all Night" because they are pretty easy.
I'll warn you now there is a bit of toilet humour included in the blog this week, so if you are easily offended, then fuck off now.
Tuesday I was on site and it was the end of the day so I went for a piss, I'm standing at the urinal and another bloke rushes in and goes to the toilet for a shit, I'm just finishing up when I hear the bloke sigh and say, "oh, for fuck's sake" I give out a little guffaw which alerts the man to my presence, I know full well what has happened and was stifling a really big laugh, you know you shouldn't laugh but you are so glad it's not you, you have to laugh! anyway, matey in the bog, realising I am still there, says, "ere mate can you do us a favour?"
"what's that mate?"
"can you get us some bog roll please?"
So I'm sniggering like a mad man and go into the other toilet and grab the bog roll and pass it over to him, that was my good deed for the day, but in retrospect I should have told him to go fuck himself because he should have checked for paper before he sat down!
Wednesday as I'm walking along the corridor with my dad on site when we pass two sparkies working up a ladder when I happen to let off the smelliest fart (an s.b.d) you have ever witnessed, I carry on walking and listen to these two guys blame each other for the smell,
"you shit yourself?"
"fuck off cunt it wasn't me"
"well it wasn't fucking me you smelly fucking cunt"
"fuck off, it wasn't me"
it carried on like that until I turned a corner and told my dad that it was me and then he started laughing because he thought it was one of the sparkies too!
I had a text from Lee this morning, it reads,
"you know when you fart and you feel like you might follow through? well heed the warning, don't 'go for it'"
I love getting texts from Lee, they are usually random and generally funny, cheers me up, so thanks man, but how about a text telling me how you are? or a blog update?
I have been looking around for a counter for this blog, I'd love to know how many visitors a day I get, I'm guessing but I think I may get as many as five people a day reading this, or if everyone left a comment then I would know, but I think I'd want a counter (nowt wrong with comments but you fuckers don't bother commenting) but there are no counters out there to add to my blog, and I bet there is no one out there who could write me some script for one that works!
Well, I'm gonna get off, gotta play snooker in a bit.
Question of the week, "Who do you think about when you masturbate?" (if anyone answers that question, then I bet it's anonymous)
Take care people, have a good week.
I really must stop playing guitar hero! it's a great game and I'm rubbish at it I've only managed to do one song on the medium setting, which means I am pants at it, If there are any beginners out there, then I suggest you try "Schools Out" or "Rock and Roll all Night" because they are pretty easy.
I'll warn you now there is a bit of toilet humour included in the blog this week, so if you are easily offended, then fuck off now.
Tuesday I was on site and it was the end of the day so I went for a piss, I'm standing at the urinal and another bloke rushes in and goes to the toilet for a shit, I'm just finishing up when I hear the bloke sigh and say, "oh, for fuck's sake" I give out a little guffaw which alerts the man to my presence, I know full well what has happened and was stifling a really big laugh, you know you shouldn't laugh but you are so glad it's not you, you have to laugh! anyway, matey in the bog, realising I am still there, says, "ere mate can you do us a favour?"
"what's that mate?"
"can you get us some bog roll please?"
So I'm sniggering like a mad man and go into the other toilet and grab the bog roll and pass it over to him, that was my good deed for the day, but in retrospect I should have told him to go fuck himself because he should have checked for paper before he sat down!
Wednesday as I'm walking along the corridor with my dad on site when we pass two sparkies working up a ladder when I happen to let off the smelliest fart (an s.b.d) you have ever witnessed, I carry on walking and listen to these two guys blame each other for the smell,
"you shit yourself?"
"fuck off cunt it wasn't me"
"well it wasn't fucking me you smelly fucking cunt"
"fuck off, it wasn't me"
it carried on like that until I turned a corner and told my dad that it was me and then he started laughing because he thought it was one of the sparkies too!
I had a text from Lee this morning, it reads,
"you know when you fart and you feel like you might follow through? well heed the warning, don't 'go for it'"
I love getting texts from Lee, they are usually random and generally funny, cheers me up, so thanks man, but how about a text telling me how you are? or a blog update?
I have been looking around for a counter for this blog, I'd love to know how many visitors a day I get, I'm guessing but I think I may get as many as five people a day reading this, or if everyone left a comment then I would know, but I think I'd want a counter (nowt wrong with comments but you fuckers don't bother commenting) but there are no counters out there to add to my blog, and I bet there is no one out there who could write me some script for one that works!
Well, I'm gonna get off, gotta play snooker in a bit.
Question of the week, "Who do you think about when you masturbate?" (if anyone answers that question, then I bet it's anonymous)
Take care people, have a good week.